Hey guys this is my first ever Flash site. It took forever but it’s done. Tell me what you think.
Hey guys this is my first ever Flash site. It took forever but it’s done. Tell me what you think.
Well I think you have a nice site…
Some things I would change, to put more information on it, jokes or designs you made just to give it something more then just portfolio, links, about me…
Otherwise people our bored quickly…
By the way nice maskeffects
cya out here
Thank you for your reply peewy! I will rack my brain and think of something else toput on it!
very nice, its smooth, good looking, easily navigatable, and most definatly l337.
I really like how you made the name tag, It ads style and design to the site, and the flash is great!
If you’re going to call yourself a designer, please try and design something original with the concept of the future of design in mind and not by copying everybody elses ideas…
Mike - Thank you for your kind comments. I am glad you like my site and footer!
Hojo - Thank you as well! I am glad you thought it was 1337.
Stuart - Care to elaborate?
If you’re going to call yourself a designer, please try and design something original with the concept of the future of design in mind and not by copying everybody elses ideas…
It seems you are the only one who doesn’t care for my site. And just saying that above, and attaching a picture that says “f*** the system”, I don’t think many people are going to take you seriously.
whose that guy and what right does he have to post pictures of that nature and trash sites like that? can you say BAN from the board?
You can’t…but I can :P!
Haha nice Dan… And thanks Hojo!
You should do some research on macromedia’s web site about the do’s and dont’s of flash design…ONE of the very big dont’s is making your text to small to even read
Other then that I agree with you needing some more content but the rest of the site is nicely done.
Hmmm… Thanks jagreen. Can I ask what resolution you are using? I published it quickly and didn’t do a percent size, perhaps that would fix it. Also, are you using a laptop? I’ve seen my site do weird things on laptops.
BTW: Sorry for my slow respons and semi-inactivity on the boards. I can only access a computer about once a week right now.
i assumed it was a cool effet you were doing, not actually trying to display messages there, heh
Oh? You mean the text at the left which is moving up? That is an effect and you are not meant to see it. I hope that is the text that jagreen spoke instead of my main text.
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