Comments please

This site is in contruction, please gimme your opinion
There is no section, only the base of the site

3Some Productions V.3


i like the chick. Very smooth and professional looking. keep up the good work

i like it so far. the photo has a nice effect and the layout is nice and smooth, not to mention slick and simple. the only think i would change is the fact that you are not using a pixel font for the rollover buttons. i would lookinto this, i think it will improve the look. JMO

the only think i would change is the fact that you are not using a pixel font for the rollover button

firts thanks for these comment
but, a pixel font is not only for a clear small text?

:thumb: Awesome… Sleek and Proffesional layout…
BUT I would change the font. It throws the look outta wack
Truly awesome though… I can’t wait to see the completed site…

i would say that it loaded fast so im not sure if you have a preloader in there, umm id also say that for the buttons, try to remember that your the only one that knows what those circles are. so maybe try to label em. gatta remember that your designing for the dummies out there( its true). atleast, label the buttons, and to maybe to give it more of a subtle imact, since you alredy have the bounding lines coming in then see if you can put that first and then fade in the face instead of her just popping out

just a few sugg other than that it alll kool

ohh and i forgot, see if maybe you can find a lil bit better face image cause when you look at her, looks like she has a black eye

Nice simple layout which I really like in a site. It loads very fast so thats also great.


I don’t really like the blue border, I just don’t think it goes with the site. Have you tried it with a light grey/silver?

Also I didnt know what the audio buttons did until I clicked.

Overall though it’s nice and neat, good luck.

Wow… cool site. keep up the good work

Yeah man,

Keep goinnnn …that’s all good.
Pour toi le frenchie, ya un petit rollover sur ton logo, et on ne sait pas a quoi ca sert… En tt cas c tout bon

Keep goinnn… and u’ll see the light at the end of the tunnel

ohh and i forgot, see if maybe you can find a lil bit better face image cause when you look at her, looks like she has a black eye

i like the lady - looks very professional…

change your font color for the music though, I couldnt see song titles… As for the buttons I’d animate the ones on the right a bit and maybe blend the music ones a bit more, because people don’t know which is which…

pretty slick though - can’t wait to see the thing finished =)

oh and, yEaHHH another froorggie - we shall overcome :beam:

tks for your suggestions and comments, i will work on it, and the rest of the site :slight_smile:

Kyochew’s right, you need to make a hit-box for the logo roll-over. Only the white lines are registering, unless that’s what you want. Otherwise, lookin’ good.

lol…I’ve just spotted the “black eye”…unfortunate background there…

*Originally posted by pissant *
**Kyochew’s right, you need to make a hit-box for the logo roll-over. Only the white lines are registering, unless that’s what you want. **

This is not suppose to be a button, this is an error, it’s only a movie clip playing

it’s different. i like it.



i noticed the quality of the image of the woman is a bit low. dont know if this is deliberate or not. not to sound like a carbon-copy of everyone but yeah, it does look good.

Good website, very sleek and simple, keep it up. One thing ill add is to use a pixel font for the mouseovers on the buttons, I feel this would fit the style your going for :slight_smile: Can’t wait to see some content.

*Originally posted by agent_scarlet *
**Good website, very sleek and simple, keep it up. One thing ill add is to use a pixel font for the mouseovers on the buttons, I feel this would fit the style your going for :slight_smile: Can’t wait to see some content. **

This is a pixel font, FFF Freedom… :wink: