Comments plz

here’s one of my first…so help me improve on it =)

HSA Dan 2002

i think the words in the upper left hand corner are kinda extra…any idea how i can blend it in, should i get rid of it, or is it completely ok?

suggestions, critism, watever, pls

I think the words look kinda weird on a heavy grid like that, and the flare in the background looks a little grittish.

Should have the same sharpness as the rest of the image…

oh, and add some color! unless it’s the black&white look you’re after :stuck_out_tongue:

neat…! :slight_smile: Good for a first try…!

haha…but i can’t seem to find a suitable color scheme :stuck_out_tongue:

um…looks gritty? u talking about the ‘rays’, rite? i made it by drawing the lines and then radial blurring it…i used the good quality, maybe i should use the best quality next time :slight_smile:

i have made some changes, including removing the words in the upperleft…but i can’t change the flare cos i don’t want to do it again :smirk: (took quite awhile ;))

thx for your comments…
*(Anyone else? =) ) *

oki, but u could also go for the built in flare filter…

that wouldn’t be too original, would it? :wink:

Heck no… it’s there for a reason…

lol ok…