Comments / Suggestions NEEDED

This is my first time actually making a website all in photoshop (as i’ve said, long story) and I was wondering if you all could possibly give me some pointers or whatever on this design I’ve made.
I also really, really, need suggestions for the menu (the gradient on the left) cause I’m really stuck on how to set it up.

THANKS :beam:

here it is… :asian:

I like it. Nice use of typography and colors. I wish there was more I could say, but I have to see how well it fares when combined with content.

*Originally posted by RenaissanceGirl *
**I like it. Nice use of typography and colors. I wish there was more I could say, but I have to see how well it fares when combined with content. **

thanks :cowboy:
yea, i just started it today, so theres more revisions and stuff coming, i will post it here when im completely done. <:}

Yeah more content, but it looks nice. Make sure that it fits well on a 800*600 resolution

It looks nice to start. The circle seems to be a lil jaggie. Add some more

yea, i tried to get the jagginess to sease(sp) im gonna have to try some more :stuck_out_tongue:

Not trying to flame, but I don’t like it at all. First impression was a blue ribbon. Also, I didn’t like the black text and the blue background it rest on(combo). I am not saying it sucks. I am just stating my opinion.

thanks for your opinion. :evil: