Hello all,
I am utterly amazed that my laptop is still in perfect working condition after I spilled a full can of coke on it.
What happened was my phone rang (I was waiting on an important call) but my cordless phones battery was dead. In my haste I jumped up to run to another phone and unknowingly knocked a full can of coke over which spilled directly onto my laptops keyboard. Well, after a 20 minute phone conversation I went back into my office to find the empty coke can on top of my laptops keyboard, completely emptied of it’s contents. I shuddered at the thought of my precious laptop being ruined and started cleaning up the mess. After I’d cleaned it up I nervously turned it on and it worked! OMG! It’s been a day and nothing is wrong with it at all! Buttons aren’t sticking, touch pad still works, everything!
I’m so pleased that I just had to share this with you all. Has anyone else had any near computer tragedies like this?
Someone upstairs must like me.