This is mainly for thsoe of you who use 3D applications. How fast are your computers and how much RAM do you have on it??? My computer seems to be pretty good, but when using 3DS Max everything lags a bit :-\
The comp I use for 3D work is a AMD Athlon XP 1.4 Ghz, 256 DDR Ram. I only use it for 3D rendering.
If you’re rendering and multitasking at the same time then of course your comp is going to lag. I usually go watch TV or work on my other comp while rendering stuff.
hmm well i have 1.6 and 640 ram but everything doesn’t seem to run smoothly. Do you have other programs on it running in the background on it? Its really annoying trying to draw while it lags :-\
Well I’ve never used 3dsmax so I don’t know how it performs on my comp. I use c4d and it’s smooth.
what operating system and which ver. of max are u using?
theres a problem with max 5.0 and win xp…
u can get a patch to fix it
With 3D apps, your memory isn’t always as vital as your CPU, especially for rendering. Something like Photoshop needs a lot of RAM in order to keep with its history and layers.
ooh, well i’m using max 5 and win 2000. It might be because i have quite a lot of programs on my computer. DOes that matter? If i defragment my comp will it speed up!?
ohh okay
u should check the discreet site to see if theres any problems with max and 2000
and i think ram does affect rendering time quite significantly? :-\
kei can you link to that patch? i might want to try that…
make sure u read it first
lol i will. btw blah, mine used to lag, then i got me a new graphics card and it seems to run smoother…
hehe i use a ****ty GF4mx440
do graphic cards affect 3d and graphics applications?
Whoever has computers with like 1ghz
And like 254ram and yet it still oes sorta slow.
Either you need to clean your COmputer or Get a Bios Update.
The bios will help it alot.
yes I believe it does…take a look and make sure you dont have a bunch of stuff running in your systray. Also look at start up items. I have a 1.4 gb 512 ram that I sometimes use…when not using the alienware but it does well with 3ds. Not sure what your prob is what actually is it doing? crashing??
nah basically it is just lagging. I go to my task manager to check the CPU usage, and when i click on something, it goes straight up to 100% from 3%.
I’ve looked all over google, and all it says is that the main problem is because Norton Anti Virus. But i don’t have this :-\ or any other virus protection programs.
I would put in a call to discreet.
What type of machine do you have.
AMD, does it affect it?
I dont think so but I have heard AMD’s were better for graphics