Computer speed

When was the last time you got a Update for your system.

update as in…?

the microsoft updates? ages ago cause it screwed it up before…

the actual computer updates (whats it called?): uh havn’t really updated since i bought it :-\

It always good to update your System.
If not slowing down your computer will happen and some strange errors will occur.

So you should look around for AMD updates and stuff and that might help it.

If not then there is a serious probelm with 3-d Max

When is the last time you updated your video drivers? if you are using a gforce family I think nvidia advised using the detonator drivers…check you nview settings. If all else fails contact discreet

By system updates do you mean the microsoft updates? or the AMD update? or both? (might as well do both :slight_smile:

And i just realized i am using a radeon 9000 (which i’ve never heard of). Is that any good? I think i may try and update all of those. I can get AMD updates at their official site right?

how many megs is your video card? ATI radeon is a pretty good brand…go to ati’s site make sure you have the latest drives and hopefully your card is at least 64mb

i just updated my video card, and max does seem faster. I will also defrag my comp tonite so that shall help too :slight_smile: thanks for all the help guys :wink:

i have 2.53 P4, 786 DDr Ram, well… 3d max runs like

runs like…!!! Well it seems to run better for me now, but whenever i restart my computer, it resets my resolution back to 640 x 480!!

Its annoying and i have to reset everything back again. Does anyone know why this happens???

it is not saving your setting you may have something serious going on there. I would ghost your drive and nuke the cpu. I had similar probs then one day got the blue screen of death.

maybe u got the wrong drivers installed :stuck_out_tongue:

how do you “ghost your drive and nuke the cpu”

good quesiton…nuke the cpu doesn’t sound too good to me :-\

format it = Nuke it…and ghosting is like backing it up…You use a program called norton ghost…Compresses the hell out of your drive I ghosted my 40gb into like a 2gb backup.

I format my drive like once a year…and back up on a regular basis…Very good practice especially if you do art…Nothing worse than losing a years worht of work

ive tried to reformat like 4 times but xp just hides stuff doesnt delete it… so im thinkin of switchin to 2000. Is there a way to actualy get rid of EVERYTHING?

can norton ghost do the opposite of compress? so aftter it compresses, and you format your drive…uncompress everything so everything is back to normal again?

-i’ve got 3PCS on my network at home (radio network - no cables =) - so every once in a while I upload my files on the other comp and erase everything on the first, reinstall windows and all the updates… feels gooood afterwards…

Look you lag problem probably comes from RAM - cpus now are way too fast for the other computer components so I really advise you to buy more RAM or invest in a good 3d (graphic) card - not a game one. Except if you are a hardcore gamer…

Running a p4 2.6a , 1 gig ram and A BRILLIANT GEFORCE 2 MX!! lol

All 3d apps work fine till you get really into some crazy modelling with some high polys, Really you could use most “decent” (as in decent i mean not lower than a geforce mx 400) and still have 3d apps working fine, All you have to do is work in wireframe mode, the only thing limiting you is how much floating points your computer can handle, what a new video card gives you is the ability to work in full shaded mode or as known as “pretty” mode.

My video card has been fine for a good 5 plus years, going to upgrade soon, still waiting on my new Geforce FX 5900 Ultra !!! :slight_smile: as soon as i get that , say bye bye to mx and hello FX. :smirk:

yes it can…you can pick which files you want to restore…or restore the whole thing.