Computer tweak

oh rendering? well that can take time on the fastest machines mind you. and your comp has a virus i am sad to say. Mine did hte same thig when i had one…

my comp doesnt have a virus, thats pinx :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

not anymore!!! it works great now. i went out and bough norton system works and personal firewall. it’s working great now.

i also downloaded the search and destroy software, it found like 10 spybots, etc. so i deleted those and guess what, no more lag and no more popups!!

sweet!!! congrats!! :slight_smile:

golgi still look, you never know.

ah, i do a scan every week. NAV and AT. what norton doesnt pick up, antitrojan will. argh. grumble grumble. acutally i think i did one 2 days ago b4 i defragged. WTF S GOING ON WIHT MY COMPUTER… :frowning: sigh…

oh man, i donno then. casue thats what it was last time for me. but the rendering will take time, it just does…