Congrats to simplistik, rhamej, ditt0, and stringy!

Hi everyone,
I am not sure if this was posted earlier, but congrats to the new mods :stuck_out_tongue:

Kirupa :hugegrin:

Errā€¦ it was?

Congrats you guys. Kirupa what year will i be a mod?

donā€™t think there was any official statement, but here and there it was.

At least, I think there were posts that mentioned it. [whisper]these posts have mysteriously disappeared![/whisper]

what happened to sebā€™s modship?

I made the post!

thanks Kirupa:) and congrats simp, rhamej and stringy:)

What post?

omg, :lol: @ what kirupa saidā€¦ heā€™s so good at thisā€¦ poor nokrevā€¦

Ack! :lol:

Congrats to the new modsā€¦And when was Seb a mod.

Thanks! itā€™s always nice to be loved. :smiley: :love:

One of the mods pretented to be me, by spellign crappy, btu im nto that bad. Bu8t ahwell i wanto to know who ita is


what? when?

OMG this is driving me nuts.


Thatā€™s some nice Photoshopping skills :slight_smile: Keep helping other members, and try not do things on the forums with the sole purpose of wanting to be a mod. Everybody has the potential to become a mod after all!

I did not photoshop that at all.

lol! :lol: (@ kirupaā€™s reply)

[whisper]thatā€™s it. ā€œscrew you guys, Iā€™m going home. :beam:ā€[/whisper]


I have some shots, too. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

PhotoShop/Fireworks/MS Paint.

They are all the same thing really :mountie: