Congrats to simplistik, rhamej, ditt0, and stringy!

omg lol seb…your time will come, so will mine "10 years later"
lol but yea like kirupa said, just dont bring it up as much

congrats guys :slight_smile:

Congratulations indeed :thumb:

Good job everyone! (Especially to stringy, whose posts I run into the most)

Sorry I’m late in congratulating the four of you, I wasn’t at home yesterday.

Congratulations everyone !!!
Including Seb… LOL :slight_smile:

umm new mods, can i lick em; ? :lol:
congrats guys and Pink Girl :stuck_out_tongue:

lol I love your avatar
Thanks Jas:)
Thank ya all:)

I kinda figured Simp wouldve been made a mod a bit earlier :stuck_out_tongue:

your welcome ditto :slight_smile:
glad you like the cool cat’s tongue :lol:

Congrats fellas/miss :slight_smile:

I try not to bring it up… but everybody knows I do. :wink:

Ever going to update the meet the mods page?
Nokrev for mod, April 1st, 2007!

Err… what?

Err… I just endorsed you.

Err… thanks. :slight_smile:

[whisper]Why don’t you guys understand… it’s “…” not “…”, get it?[/whisper]

congrats guys!

congrats to all the new mods, well done :thumb: :cool:

Does this mean Simplistik will change my sig at his whim? :wink:


good work guys. You have made hefty contributions and kept things under control when they get out of hand. [COLOR=“Gray”]except when there’s SUPER CHEAP WEB DESIGN involved[/COLOR]:slight_smile: