omg lol seb…your time will come, so will mine "10 years later"
lol but yea like kirupa said, just dont bring it up as much
congrats guys
Congratulations indeed :thumb:
Good job everyone! (Especially to stringy, whose posts I run into the most)
Sorry I’m late in congratulating the four of you, I wasn’t at home yesterday.
Congratulations everyone !!!
Including Seb… LOL
umm new mods, can i lick em; ? :lol:
congrats guys and Pink Girl
lol I love your avatar
Thanks Jas:)
Thank ya all:)
I kinda figured Simp wouldve been made a mod a bit earlier
your welcome ditto
glad you like the cool cat’s tongue :lol:
Congrats fellas/miss
I try not to bring it up… but everybody knows I do.
Ever going to update the meet the mods page?
Nokrev for mod, April 1st, 2007!
Err… what?
Err… I just endorsed you.
Err… thanks.
[whisper]Why don’t you guys understand… it’s “…” not “…”, get it?[/whisper]
congrats guys!
congrats to all the new mods, well done :thumb:
Does this mean Simplistik will change my sig at his whim?
good work guys. You have made hefty contributions and kept things under control when they get out of hand. [COLOR=“Gray”]except when there’s SUPER CHEAP WEB DESIGN involved[/COLOR]