Consoles VS the PC

i remember the N64 v PSX back in the day of Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater…
my friend had it for PSX, and, naturally, found the loading times to be normal
then it came out for the 64. I bought it, and selected a level, finding it loaded almost instantly. I thought the game was broken. (lol)

true, the N64 was not on CD’s, but still, Nintendo, and now Microsoft, seem to have much faster loading times than Sony

Ahhh good ol’ Nintendo64, games like MarioKart64, Goldeneye, and SuperMario64 make we wanna go buy one so I can remember how cool those games were/are.

Ahhh good ol’ Nintendo64, games like MarioKart64, Goldeneye, and SuperMario64 make we wanna go buy one so I can remember how cool those games were/are.

Yes! That’s the latest console I own. I don’t play anymore, but when friends come over it’s an option to play these greaties…And to bash some more on playstation, while do they still have only TWO controllers? This almost “forces” producers into making (at tops) 2 player games.

Want to see the antithesis to that? Just play micromachines and you’ll laugh your head off while you play 2vs2vs2vs2 or 8 player free for all! This game’s got to be the greatest party game ever.

Wiz, I like your sig. Small 'n simple :wink: ('cept for the ‘temporary footer’ part)


Thanks… but it’s been my temporary footer for a while now, I haven’t really started on my real footer yet. I think I’m just gonna put up my old footer and use that until I get a new one.[/ot]

Load time? I say if its a great game it wroth the wait (unlike RE:O). Take in point vice city, the load from outside to in was long, but why fuss over it, the game was great! I dont pay game just for the graphics, but I just dont like the gamecube. To me it seems like they rushed it out, and never took the time like they did on the xbox.

talk about rushing it out, sony came out w/ ps2 a year earlier, and it only has 2 controller ports, and its video card was already old news by the time Xbox + GCN came out…
most of the time, i dont care about graphics either (up until march, i had a Pentium II processor clocked at 266mhz, and still played Jedi Academy…), but some games are so bad compared to the same game on other platforms that it makes me go crazy and hurts my head…its like staring at the sun

Ulike you prit I was waiting for the “dolphin” (if any of you nintendo power readers are out there) for like 4 months then, 6months before relase they delayed it and changed it to the almighty “gamecube”. That was right about when I bought my ps2 and I never looked back. I love my ps2 with a passion and I regret buying the gamecube.

Speaking of PS2, have you guys seen the shots for San Andreas, which looks like certain parts of Los Angeles.

In one of the shots you see the L.A. Convention Center…

And to bash some more on playstation, while do they still have only TWO controllers? This almost “forces” producers into making (at tops) 2 player games.

VERY true. Sony is straight retarded for only putting in 2 controller ports. Did they ever even try the N64?

It’s simple really… people don’t want to shell out money for a multitap if there’s no good 4 player games, and developers won’t make good 4 player games unless enough people own multitaps. 3+ player games on the PS2 are practically non-existant (as well as online games for PS2 and GC for that matter, modem costs extra there too)

exacty Thumbs

take the Tony Hawk series, for example.
my friends and I have all stood by, watching the game while only TWO people play at a time. I’ve been saying the same thing ever since they released THPS for N64.

im not a PS2 owner, but do you guys have only 1 friend? or 1 friend that plays video games? thats the idea that seems to be in Sony’s head

im not going to look, but from what magazines have told (or, in this case, shown) me is that it looks A LOT like the previous two games
like, no big visual changes

oh, and Spider-Man 2 did that with Manhattan, except they didn’t give the city a fake name…

i think it is fun having 10 or so people crowed around a plastation while 2-4 people play (depending on the game), well the others may actually talking / listening to music doing other things while the others play. what good is it spending 5 hours straight on a game, huddled on the floor??, it is good to wait around for a while give you a break.

btw what is with the big rivalry, depending on hwat console you own (seriously i have heard 16 - 18yo (people at my school) fighting over the weather ps2 and x-box are better, fairly lame hey)

Any way i own a Good PC, for gaming, mainly for RTS / FPS / RPGs

and a PS2 for every thing else.

Well, when you can play 4 player, those who want to chill off will. Just don’t force it on them. That’d be stupid!

what, you don’t play games for 5 straight hours? HUH!!!
sure, ur back hurts like **** after, but its worth it…I can play about 24 hours of Star Wars Galaxies in a day…

just some healthy good ol’ fashion arguement

pc’s rule. consoles don’t. :thumb: