Contest Question?

Hi everyone,
For the past few weeks some info on a contest has been up: No entries have been submitted…yet :stuck_out_tongue:

So I’ve received a number of e-mails from potential contestants and they seem a bit confused on what exactly do. In hindsight, what is expected does seem a bit vague.

Would you all mind if I changed the rules from the current “header template” + color scheme submission to just a more generic “Design a Header” contest where the submitted material would just be an image mockup of the header?

The other details such as the color scheme and actually going from the comp to an actual header can be taken care of later.


I think that they should design a header, and edit the sites CSS, and submit it to you. Maybe provide like a static version of the site to download and edit, and they could send it back to you. I would love to compete, but the rules are kinda weird and not very functional. Setting it up like this would mean less work for you.

Also how is the voting process gonna work?

That’s the thing - editing the CSS isn’t that high-value for there are clear limitations in what vBulletin will allow you to change (at least in the styles) that are currently used.

The only creative thing would be the design of the header. Everything else isn’t that complicated to do, and it would be easier for me to make an initial swipe at integrating the header design into the forums with my own pick of colors/icons and then changing them later based on all of your feedback.

The rules are are kinda weird mainly because what is being expected of the user is also kinda weird as well :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s why making the rules simpler sounds better!

I think that it would be fine to have the header be the only thing submitted, since having contestant-determined link colors & etc. might cause problems later on if the choice was fairly poor and you didn’t want to change the style because you hadn’t designed it. (The link style on White by Kitiara, my favorite theme, was rather difficult to detect. :stuck_out_tongue: )

If the theme is hard to use, I am sure it won’t be the winner in the contest submission.

What if the header was great but the rest of the design was bad? By only submitting a header design, voting becomes easier as well :slight_smile:

Yeah I was a little bummed not to see anyone do anything. If I wasn’t so busy and artistically challenged I’d definately do something. Heck, I still might.

I do agree that it should just be the header.

What’s the width/height of the forum header?


The blog post says that the height is 850px, and I’m guessing that the height can be whatever you think will convince others to vote for your image because it wasn’t mentioned in Kirupa’s post.

oh duh 850 pixels width, I see. Thanks.


Yep - width has to be 850, and the height can be whatever you think is reasonable :slight_smile:

I’m going to update my blog post shortly with the revised guidelines.
