I vote for an extension of the Header Contest. Please

As a header judge, I feel I would be remiss in my duties (:lol:) if I didn’t vote for an extension of the contest. I didn’t see a single entry that really stood out as high quality enough to grace our lovely forums. I also didn’t see any entries from the big ‘design’ heavyweights that we have on here, which makes me sad. :crying:

Where is DDD’s entry? Simp? Darkmotion? FTL? Paddy? All the other great designers we have around here?

I say give it an extension, and make sure people know that they get a $250 prize for winning. We can definitely get some better entries out of the community.

There’s a prize ?? :lol:

I’m a judge, but would probably get down on some design and give up judge-ship if it was extended

Negative, i shant be attending this event (even though I could really use $250) :lol:. We get enuff perks as it is anyway, so it’d be terrible for me to even think of accepting that. Besides I’m to anal about my design so it’d take me to long to get a product that I liked.

The only perk I ever need is being near you, Simp :fab:

If you win you can refuse the prize. It’s just a l’il 850px header, you can bust that out in a couple hours. Pleeeeassseee? :stuck_out_tongue:

On another note, wouldn’t it be kind of unfair to the people who did get theirs done in time?

Not really. The contest is to determine who did the nicest design, not who did it in the most timely fashion. I feel that the current entries are really amazingly sub-par considering the amount of talent we have in this community.

I actually agree. I only looked through 40 of them…but right away I can tell I won’t be needing to check my choices…:frowning:

I totally agree with you. After having looked through them a bit over the weeks I’ve only seen one or two that looked good, and they were by the regulars who decided to participate. The rest were absolutely disgusting and made by people with post counts that I can count on my fingers. It seemed like most were by people who had just joined for the sole purpose of entering in the contest and winning some bucks.

I personally think this could have been handled in a PM to Kirupa himself. It’s extremely disrespectful, and in the case of being a judge… unprofessional. I’m kind of disappointed that you would publicly scrutinize the people that actually put forth and effort for the contest. The “great” designers that you mentioned A) Don’t have the time to do this B) Don’t want to do it C) Could care less about it. If they didn’t submit, tough shat, judge what we have available, there are plenty of good if not decent designs in there. I’m sure the person who put forth the most effort will be rewarded.

Look at the current crestock contest… the entries for the first few rounds do not reflect the rewards they would be getting, that’s how contests are.

And contests are on a time constraint. This is a contest to see who has the best design AND finished in the time frame.

Meh, that’s my opinion, don’t get all butt hurt about it.

I’m with zao. If I was a super judge this thread would be deleted. I like the headers that are being submitted. I wish that more people would be submitted, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say the others are bad or ‘unworthy’.

I vote Anogar doesn’t get paid for being a judge.

Unprofessional? I’m not an impartial judge, I am also the “client” as someone who’ll look at the header for hours each day, and I don’t want some half assed crappy image up there made by an undertalented high-schooler hoping for some quick cash.

I’m an honest guy, get used to it. I think they suck, if you can’t handle hearing that, get out of the industry, because you’re going to hear it in much less kind terms than I’m using today. :expressionless:

I vote Anogar doesn’t get paid for being a judge.


*And since when was it a judge’s job to be nice? It’s a judge’s job to JUDGE, and to scrutinize, and contests are public, so stop moaning and accept that you’ve been judged. :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess I should withdraw my half-assed crappy sub-par entries then…

^ I liked your entries, I actually said in my post that most of the regulars’ (Your a regular, BTW.) were good. :wink:

[QUOTE=fasterthanlight™;2343833]The only perk I ever need is being near you, Simp :fab:[/QUOTE]

DUDE! that’s exactly what I say to myself when I see me in the mirror each morning! Horah!

Yours are cute, but unrelated. They would make great themes for people who wanted a little flair, but they would not make good permanent headers for the forum.

[QUOTE=glosrfc;2343895]I guess I should withdraw my half-assed crappy sub-par entries then…[/QUOTE]If I were judging I’d put you in the top 119.

Actually I like the ransom note one, it would be on the list of top 5 that I saw that I liked from that whole list thus far.

As a side note, this probably should have been done in a closed PM chat. Whether you think the designs are or aren’t good, you should keep your poker face on and pick the best from what you got, just like any other contest we’ve ever held :slight_smile:

These entries are hilarious though. I don’t think anyone took it serious which makes it even more fun.

I <3 your Canadian one Glos.

I both agree and disagree. I don’t there should be an extension just because if these “awesome” people mentioned didn’t give two ****-alls about submitting in the first place I really don’t see why we should pamper them “Oh plz submit because you rool!” etc.

I do agree that I was hoping for some really wicked entries though. It’s hard I guess. I know I can’t design for squat so it feels oddly out of place to criticize other peoples efforts.

I do have a couple of favorites however… There’s a couple headers that are pretty nice imo.

Bah, it’s a public contest, judging should be equally public. This isn’t like the footer or avatar contests, where it’s just a single member. We’re going to have to see this thing every day, I think we should be able to have uncensored public discourse about our opinions - we are all the ‘clients’ for this redesign.

A couple hurt feelings aside, I think a lot of people agree with me, the entries just aren’t good as a whole, and we as a community can do better.