Blame it On Phil

Hey, i got this wonderful idea called “Blame it on Phil”
here is how it goes, if anything bad happens to you antime, blame it on Phil. So if i fail an exam, i’ll say "DAM YOU PHIL!!! " or if get fired from work i’ll say “Go to HELl PhIL”

it will help you relieve stress and since Phil isn’t here for about a week, we can laugh and make fun of him all we want!! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

what do you all think?? …i hope Phil doesn’t see this… :pirate:

Oh well, if he does see it, its HIS fault! :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL… sounds like a great idea.

But just as a note: Phil said he will be visiting sporatically in the next week or so since he has no computer. He didn’t say he was gone gone though.

But that is HIS fault :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Author: Alexander Smith
"Everything is sweetened by risk. "
City Poem: The Fear of Dying.

someone should chg the title of this thread to Blame it On… so Phil doesn’t suspect a thing!! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

we must somehow prevent him from seeing this, or he will think we are all out to get him and he will HAVE to abduct his roomates computer and WATCH ALL threads

Now that’s a bandwagon I’ll jump on…


actually its one of those HUGE trucks, so many Kirupians, so little space, so i rented those trucks and about 5 extensions


I have used Phil’s name in vein 4 times since I have read this thread…

thank you phil!

The sad thing is you guys all believed Phil’s tales of computer woes…

Those that are more perceptive realize that Phil is taking advantage of lower Airfare rates, and has returned to Florida in order to develop a mild case of mellanoma.

World Dictators need UV rays too!! C:-)

:bandit: clever clever Phil:bandit:

anyways, today, as i was walking to school, i was hit by a car travelling at a mind bendig speed of immense proportions. This car WAS going WAY out of line and it hit me with a THUD…later i was told the car was not moving at all, rather it was parked…a strange story indeed… :cyclops:

ThIS IS ALL yoUR FaULt Phil :frowning:

yeh cool idea! I get to say “■■■■ you, phil” 6 times a day now! :stuck_out_tongue:

let freedom ring!!! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

:trout: :trout: all hell is gonna break loose when he comes back…i fear the end of the world, oh well, time to enjoy until armageddon

Take ThiS :trout: And This:trout: And This:trout: and this :trout:

As Phil’s running mate, i dont think this is such a good idea, OMPHIL! thats a lotta smack down mak! lol

You realize, of course, you are just feeding the beast?


*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**You realize, of course, you are just feeding the beast?

Rev **

hmmm :-\

That´s a frightening thought! :hair:

I didn’t get enough sleep this weekend. And I can wholeheartedly say it was Phil’s fault. Thanks a lot Phil…


all i can is …uh oh…


anyways, ever hear of the arnold swachenager audio clip where he says "You lack discipline!!! " its hillarious…get his prank calls…they are so dam funny

[SIZE=3]WB Phil…[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]plz don’t kill me with firing squad[/SIZE] :trout:

[SIZE=1]guig0 is a main instigator 2…get him as well[/SIZE] :bandit: :moustache

puts on moustache
:moustache i am Mr. Burns, i say you forgive Mak and give him a medal of honour

*Originally posted by Makaveli *
**…[SIZE=1]guig0 is a main instigator 2…get him as well[/SIZE] :bandit: :moustache … **

You snitch! :bad: How can you betray me like that? er… :!

I mean… :sure: how can you lie like that? I did nothing but defend our most respectable general phil.

**put his disguise and mix himself with the crowd :asian: **
You shal never get me! [SIZE=1]m[/SIZE][SIZE=2]w[/SIZE][SIZE=3]a[/SIZE][SIZE=4]a[/SIZE][SIZE=5]w[/SIZE][SIZE=6]a[/SIZE][SIZE=7]a[/SIZE][SIZE=7]a[/SIZE][SIZE=7].[/SIZE][SIZE=6].[/SIZE][SIZE=5].[/SIZE][SIZE=4].[/SIZE][SIZE=3].[/SIZE][SIZE=2].[/SIZE][SIZE=1].[/SIZE]