¡Crazy Mexican Chica!

Deano here…and with a problem. Ok, it all started in English class a couple of weeks ago, this girl named Shirley who sits next to me in class, starts to give me looks. The looks continue and then one day…she grabs my arse! I was like what the hey!!! After that “experience,” everyday she flirts me with, but I don’t flirt back because I don’t like her! It’s nuts! She kisses me on the cheeck a lot and it’s reaaallly strange and weird. Anyways we really would look like a crazy couple: me, the skinny, white artist boy with crazy-bb-slinging-ghetto-acting-Nelly-listening…mexican chica! And now that the 8th grade dance is coming up, i’m afraid she is going to ask me to it! If i say no, she is gonna get her big brother to beat me up lol jk. But it’s scary because I’m already going with someone! I’m gonna get weird looks! Scary looks! How do I say no to her!!!

-Scared and Skinny (98 lbs:ne: )