Creating a drop-down navigation for image links (DW's Spry feature wont work for me)

I used to work with Dreamweaver MX2004… Whenever I wanted to create a drop-down navigation for my image links, it was as easy as going to the “behaviors” panel, adding a “onMouseOver” behavior, and then calling the “pop-up menu” function…

Now, with the newer versions of Dreamweaver (im using DW CS3 to be exact), the “pop-up menu” feature is gone… Instead DW has decided to replace this with the “Spry” feature… this feature is good if you want to add a navigation menu on-the-fly… all you have to do is click on a few buttons, and you have yourself a site-nav complete with drop-down menus…

However, what if you already have a set of image links? In my case, i did the layout in Photoshop, sliced it, and now I’m trying to add behaviors to the sliced images in DW such as showing a drop-down navigation when you roll-over one of the image links. “Spry” is no good here. Or am I just missing something??

Bottom line, I just need to be able to make it such that when the user hovers over one of the image links, it will make a drop-down navigation menu appear… If Dreamweaver CS3 can’t help me do that, then I guess I just have to find a way… maybe code it manually or something… but since I am an AS3 developer, I know nothing about Javascript… so someone, please help me…