Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge

For any of you that haven’t played this game for Xbox (of PC for that matter) you should head out and get it NOW! It’s an amazingly fun game that is straight flying and shooting the hell outta things and it couldn’t be any more fun. The graphics and AMAZING, the controls are very simple yet totally enjoyable and the story behind the game is wicked. The music score in this game is one of the best I have ever heard. It get’s really hecktic when a huge battle is raging and it get’s very calm and soothing when your just flying around over the water for fun.

Now, if you have Xbox Live you are in for a real treat! This game is not only one of THE best games on live (16 player head to head with little to NO lag time) it also has some of the best FREE downloadable content available.

For a very good review of the game (it scored a 9.1!) go here and have a read for your self - Happy Gaming! :thumb: