
any comments on my site…

wow that is a very cool navigation setup you have there and the overall layout is pretty clean.

The only suggestions I can offer is that maybe adding more color to the layout and instead of having a button that closes the menu completely, have it just slide back to the open menu state.

Also some samples of your work would be nice as well, I didn’t see anything in your portfolio section.

Nice work overall, I look forward to seeing more of it. =)

clean, simple and nice :slight_smile:

I have to confess that it took me a couple of seconds when it first loaded to work out what was going on. I thought the green bar was a preloader or something. Duh… It’s been a long day.

It’s a very nice idea though, with the box moving over each icon. It’s a bit overly green though, some more colour would be pleasing to the eye.

It also looked very small on my screen. I’m running at 1152 x 864 resoulution and there was a lot of empty space.

Nice site Mose. Keep it up.


It seems a bit blank. Try adding a little more to it, instead of having it a bit too minamalistic.

Thanks for your comment, minimalism is what i was aiming for.

Nice,just a little more different color is need on the green bar.Or maybe a little thinner.


in my opinon i think that the 3D bars should be thiner if u do that and maybe add some more background or space animation it’ll look great!!