Cross movieclip navigation

Here is how my movie is set up.
Frame one -> MovieClip #1
Frame two -> MovieClip #2
within each movieclip there are 10-15 frames.

Here’s the problem.
I want to be able to go from frame one in MovieClip#2 to the last frame in MovieClip#1,
via a button click.

any Ideas?

Something like this:

on (release){

on your button in MC2 should work. But I’m sure you’d know that, so I must be misunderstanding your question.


well the problem is that “MC1” doesn’t exist on that frame, so you have to go back one frame to have MC1 even there.

can you have MC1 on frame 2 but make MC1._visible=0?, and then when you want to have it’s 15th frame appear, make it visible again?

I thought of that, but it didn’t seem like it was going to work.
What i did end up doing was this I put a var in the _root level and when I clicked on the button(in MC2) it made that variable true, and made the movie go back a frame (which holds MC1), then in the first frame of MC1 I just threw an if statement in there checking to see if the variable I just wrote was true or not, if it was, it shot it to the last frame in the MC1, if not, it didn’t do anything.

it works, so I am pleased.

Cool! Glad you got it fixed :slight_smile: