Appreciate any thoughts on this attempt at doing something a little different with our design site. Now the concept is done, thinking of adding some Flash to liven up a bit…
Appreciate any thoughts on this attempt at doing something a little different with our design site. Now the concept is done, thinking of adding some Flash to liven up a bit…
very nice (i like it as is)
Hey, I like it too, but it should have been posted in s&c.
nice, but the spaceship and the astronaut are crying out for a rollover or something.
To Flash Man: Thanks for the support
To leisuresuitlissy: Apologies, will get up to speed on the right categories
To RabBell: I have started experimenting with a zero gravity effect but so far runs a bit too dodgy. Need to find a good slow-mo code.
I like that the layout is really open and tight at the same time.
Good job :thumb:
[ot]yay from the GC! Where abouts are you? I’m located there/here too :)[/ot]
Dude if the header was done in flash with the astronaut like slowly floating thur space, that would be amazing.
Thanks for the nice words guys and gals.
To Ajcates: I tried exactly what you said but I can’t seem to get a nice fluid motion… the ufo and astronaut get all dodgy and the screen has trouble redrawing at the right zero gravity drift to make it work. I’ve done stacks of stuff with fast moving Flash but slow and refined I can’t crack.
Can anyone help?
Well, the only thing I have a problem with right now is the drastic gradient…maybe its just my monitor at work, but its way too harsh.
Also, if you can’t do flash…at least make the space dude have some kinda like pop-up text when you roll-over him lol, that’d be sweet.
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