I know this sounds very basic (in fact it is so basic no one has ever posted about it!) but does anyone know how to curve one corner of a square? Or just free transform a shape?
I know this sounds very basic (in fact it is so basic no one has ever posted about it!) but does anyone know how to curve one corner of a square? Or just free transform a shape?
I know there’s probably a better way but here’s what I do. Take the circle selection tool and make a circle with the radius you want for your corner. Align the selection on the corner and then invert the selection and erase the part you don’t want.
Another way is to make a rounded rectangle with the radius you want (make the rectangle the same size as your original). Then control+click on the layer with the rounded rectangle. Then control+shift+I (invert the selection) and erase the corner you don’t want to be sharp.
Milkedave there are tons of ways to do this and I hope you understand at least one of 'em I’ve posted.
If you press and hold the Shape Tool in the tool palette (hit U), the Rounded Corner is one of the shapes you can use. Type the corner radius in the options on up top…
THat would be nice but I just want to round one corner, not all of them. And to the first reply, thx for the try but I want to actually modifiy the shape.
other methods, could be to use paths in photoshop.
make a selection of the existing shape, then go to the paths pallete, go to its option, select make work path, name it, make the tolerance about 1.0.
deselect the selection (ctl-d), select the paths layer then the paths with the open arrow tool (white arrow tool // Direct selection tool (A) ), if you have use illustrator before the next bit is simple, just delete the points around the sharp corner you want to make a curve, maybe add some ruler guides before you delete them so to help you align the curve. then once deleted, p for pen tool, and draw in the new curve. and making alterations with Direct selection tool (A).
Now once you get the curve right, ctl + left click on the paths layer and you will get the selection of the path, go back to the layers and fill in your selection.
sound like the long way, but IMO i believe its not. Once you use paths and especially if you are a illustrator user, you will see its quite simple. and also the great thing about paths is that you can edit your paths any time, you can make copies of the path and rebuild your shapes.
thats enough, a harder concept but a powerful one.
soulty u got all the answers! once i read that over a couple more times Ill give it a shot… By the way, my first PS and Flash site EVER will be up soon, I would really like ur opinion, I’m so proud
O and I just relized ur site is down, maybe NV2???
*Originally posted by jimhere *
**If you press and hold the Shape Tool in the tool palette (hit U), the Rounded Corner is one of the shapes you can use. Type the corner radius in the options on up top… **
Then use the regular select tool to remove the 3 other rounded edges.
*Originally posted by mlkedave *
**soulty u got all the answers! once i read that over a couple more times Ill give it a shot… By the way, my first PS and Flash site EVER will be up soon, I would really like ur opinion, I’m so proud
O and I just relized ur site is down, maybe NV2??? **
not all the answers, lol. i only help where i can.
Will be interesting to see your site, keep us updated.
:: my server decided to screw me around, so i’m back to my isp webspace, ive relinked everything, so it should be back to normal, so www.soultydesign.com link is now www.members.optusnet.com.au/paulsoultis/ thats temp for now, until i shop around for some webspace.
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