Cropping an rounded rectangle shape from a picture

Does anyoe know how toin photoshop CS2 to crop from an image but have the crop be in the shape of an rounded rectangle such as this picture from a Target promotion?


any help would greatly be appreciated, as it would mean a lot to me. It’s going to be my first website ever that I am creating for school.

Thanks everyone!

actually here was the correct link for the promo image:

Use your selection tool and set the roundness. Click “invert” and then delete.

Or create a rounded rectangle…then rasterise it into its own layer. Then select it with yoiur magic wand, turn the layer off, select the layer with your image and you can cut images with rounded edges

i’m sorry, i’m really amateurish with this stuff. what is the actual selection tool…and how do i set the roundness? please help, thanks

it isn’t working…could you guys give me a more step by step guidance with this.? please help

There is probably a hundred different ways of doing this.

This is a quick way.

Double click the background and click yes. (this unlocks it and names it “layer 0”).

Create a new layer above it (layer 1).

Select the Rounded Square Tool and set radius in top bar.

In the new layer (layer 1) drag the Rounded Square Tool over the area you want selecte.

Change the opacity to zero in the layers pallete (for layer 1).

Control click on the image in the new layer (layer 1). (this activates it)

Click on the background layer (layer 0) and give it a mask. (bottom of pallete).

Voila. Takes less than 30 seconds to do.

btw, unclesond’s way is good too.

nope doesn’t work…any other step-by steps…please help

Dude, if this is too hard (what unclesond and I told you) then maybe you should be using a program you understand.

I am using CS2 and it does work because I did it as I wrote the tut. just to make sure it worked.

You must of missed a step. Are you sure you hit ctrl in the layers palette to make the image active?

Otherwise, someone else can help.

You can use a layer mask, although not a beginners way but one that should be mention. You can create the rounded recatangle shape using the shape tool and setting the radius to what you like, position the image you want to cut out on top of the rounder rectangle, then in your layers pallette make sure your shape layer is selected, ctl left click on the first box preview of your layer (basically the most left side of your layer in your layers pallette).

You should now get the marching arts around that rounded rectangle. Now with the image layer selected (the layer with the image on it that you want to cut) go to the bottom of the layers pallette and you will see a button there which is a square with a white circle centered in it, click that button. If you have done everything correctly you should now have the image croped in the shape of the rounded rectangle that you had created.

if your stuck with layer masks have a look here:

Link 1


if your still stuck then just give me a yell and i’ll see if i can create a tut or something. :wink:

Haha, That is exactly what I told him to do and he posted it didn’t work.

Open your image

Go to layers panel

Double click on the layer called background. click ok

Then goto the panel with all your tools on the left. The 9th tool on the right is the rectangle tool. Left “hold” click on it and select the round rectangle tool.

Right, then click layer on the top tool bar, then new, then layer. click ok on the box that pops up. Do this twice.

Right now draw on the canvas/image the size you want your box to be, there is an option on the top toolbar to change the radius. it defaults to 10px. adjust as necessary.

Once you have drawn the area. press “CTRL + E”

Yuo now have a white box over you image with rounded corners. Hopefully its on a layer above the image.

Now select the magic wand tool. 2nd down on the right. Click anywhere in your white/black rectangle. Then turn off the layer containing the rectangle “layer1”. You shld now be left with a selection over the original image. Then select layer0, Right click anywhere on the canvas and select layer via copy. Turn off layer0. Voila its there. Your rounded edged image on layer2

If this doesn’t work I recommend reading adobes help files on general tool/layer usage.

There are a lots of ways to do this, this is one of many…I think I’m reiterating CanisMajor and soulty, but hopefully the blow by blow will help.

The fact that he does not know what a selection tool is makes me think that he should go through some tutorials in Photoshop.

He is missing the very basics with this program, and imho following instructions will be very, very difficult.

unclesond’s detailed instructions are painfully easy to follow (“9th tool on the right”… I love it!)

Anyway, good luck Amateur.

^ lol… yeah just noticed you mentioned the mask, haha… oh well…

if you still need help amateur_webman feel free to ask.