How can I make edges rounded? I mean by rounded like that rounded rectangular shape but i want to apply it to a picture. How do I do it? Please do not tell me to CTRL A and Modify - Smooth because the smooth is always bloody greyed out!
Please help anyone, I Have this website and i need it for it to look better, here it is:
simply create a rounded vector shape to the size required, select the vector shape(ctl-left click) then with the selection still active select the image you would like to cut, invert the selection (ctl-shift-i) then press delete. now deselect (ctl -d) and your image is rounded and ready.
first circle shows the shape tool (rounded rectange)
1st method: using mask, this way you dont need to cut your image and if you need to edit the curve or get rid of the mask you can do so and have your complete image uncut // Create a shape layer, select the shape layer go to your image layer that you want to cut, then notice the circled button on the bottom of the 1st pallete(layer mask) click that.
2nd method: as mentioned previously in regards to cutting the image after the selection has been made.
you can also use a method i learnt probably from one of the phong tuts, which you create a alpha channel of the shape you have, gaussian blur the channel layer a few tiimes then use your level pallete sliders to get the edges clean/rounded, then you have a clean/rounded shape.
lol… sen you said something about macromedia?..:whistle:
in any case most all graphical questions asked could be answered with a quick google search but then where would this community go if we keep telling them to go elsewhere. I do agree people should research but im a sucka for helping.