Shape in Photoshop

hi everybody

how can i create a shape like this in photoshop?
with the corners rounded. because i’ve tried it and i only get a very ugly square. i supose it must be easy, but i just dont know how…

use the pen tool

i used it, but i get a very strange figure that doesnt even looks like it :frowning:

just keep practicing. once you have the curve you want, you should be able to copy the path and paste and flip so that it matches the otherside of the box

select a rectangle w/ the rectangle marquee tool then using the elliptical marquee tool deselect the rounded top and bottom. go to channels and create a new alpha channel and fill in the selection w/ white. deselect, then use a gaussian blur (5-10 depending on how rounded you want it all to be). then go to image>adjustments>levels and make it so all the arrows are near the center. you should have a smooth shape now. control click on the alpha channel then swtich back to layers and fill in your selection. hopefully that’ll work for ya.

thnx, but what i want the most is the kind of shape, in order to do shapes like this:

link that works plz! :stuck_out_tongue:

this is what i got after a few minutes or so… you can play around with the levels a bit more to get a smoother overall shape as well, but i was too lazy.


pen tool! do one half (left or right half) then copy the path and join them.

is there any tutorial on pen tool, because it seems too complicated to me :frowning:

try this:

ok, i used the grids, as guide, and i came to this:

now, how can i make the grid smaller (with more squares)??

not looking too bad there m8!

grid: got to Edit|Preferences|Grids…

tnx :smiley:

thats looking pretty good. if you colored it orange and put a circle at the top, it’d look like the singular guy!!:wink:

j/k, its looking sharp.


*Originally posted by Eberth *
**now, how can i make the grid smaller (with more squares)?? **

edit>preferences>guides,grids and slices, then set your gridsize in the menu that comes up

Like he said -
select a rectangle w/ the rectangle marquee tool then using the elliptical marquee tool deselect the rounded top and bottom. go to channels and create a new alpha channel and fill in the selection w/ white. deselect, then use a gaussian blur (5-10 depending on how rounded you want it all to be). then go to image>adjustments>levels and make it so all the arrows are near the center. you should have a smooth shape now. control click on the alpha channel then swtich back to layers and fill in your selection. hopefully that’ll work for ya.

I know it sounds a lot more difficult but I’m sure that’s the way that he did it. Its faster, quicker, and looks nice. If you use the pen tool and you still want it to look like that - You’ll still have to go to the channels and smooth it out. Here’s my examples

Here’s the other one - I adjusted these through the layer sets and such also, while adding a gradient and a transparent gradient. If you’d like the .PSD just let me know and I’ll post it up for download also.