DareDevil Movie what do u think?

lost, what are you talking about man…Eminem has better english than pretty much all rappers.

Walk in someone elses shoes before you judge them :trout:

Sorry, I don’t want to touch his shoes, I can’t stand him.

Just an opinion though. And you are right, when comparing Em to Snoop… yeah, his English is great…lol. Fo Shizzle.

i don’t want this thread to get off track, but Eminem actually does have a few positive messages in his songs…a few not so good ones too…thats another matter, but other rappers have same beats and rap about same thing , same beats/chorus as its pretty much the same thing over and over…really, the majority of rap today really sucks, all they talk about is money women and sex, i guess that sells so they would do it, but i’m more old school when they used to use coplex words to create rhymes with meanings…if you pay attention, you will see something similar in eminems songs

Yeah, I can “chill out” to old school (my attempt at being preppy whiteboy rapper guy), but any other rap I just can’t seem to get into.

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**I am not a huge DD fan, but I was a fan when I was younger and glad they are making a movie about him, but if I remember correctly…

I think he has some kind of sonar type thing so he can sense what is around him.

Maybe Guig0 can clear this up for us since he is the huge fan. **

Yes, lost you´re right and so is mak.

Mak only forgot to mention that his hyper-acurate hearing sense works like a sonar of a bat, and this is way better than sight for acrobatic maneuvers. And that ninja also trained Electra (she is sooo hot :!: )


Yeah, I have a few of the DD comic special edition thingamabobs and I remembered seeing in 1 where they said he had almost like a sonar, but I wasn’t sure if that memory was correct.

Yeah, remember that little red bat that he used to beat ppl?
He tossed this thing up in the air and it bounced in walls ´n stuff till it comes from behind the thug, beat the thug in the head and comes right to his hand. He used his sonar to calculate the movement of the bat before he hurl it.

Yeah I remember it… and that makes sense :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Guig0 *
**Yes, lost you´re right and so is mak.

Mak only forgot to mention that his hyper-acurate hearing sense works like a sonar of a bat, and this is way better than sight for acrobatic maneuvers. And that ninja also trained Electra (she is sooo hot :!: )
:slight_smile: **

Electra…don’t even get me started on her…drools

Hmmm… I know that Ben Aflek or h/e the $#% you spell his name sucks at acting (this role at least), but who do you think would be a good actor for this movie. (please do not write a WWE wrestler…):goatee:

Ya really who else would you like to see in the roll of DD.

or much famous. :-\

Some good taleted actor that played a few minor roles like, any of the cast crew of xman, lord of the rings, etc…
Not exactly one of them, but like them. Now what I mean?

I think a funky character would be a woman. But not your average explosive busty blonde type (although would be nice to watch :elderly: ehem, but more the dorky type. Kind of liek the guy from spiderman but a girl. Who kicks guys in the nuts and such.



Guig0 ya you are right. It does work better in roles like this when kind of a no name takes the part. Most ppl have an image of how this person should act and look and when you put someone famous in the role it the character takes on there famous persona which ruins the image you have. The movie “Hulk” i think they cast kind of a noname actor in the role so it should work there.

That´s exactly what I meant:)

In lord of the rings all major characters are played by no named actors, actors that you probably seen in a couple of big movies, but with no important roll (with the exeption of Ian McKellen (Gandalf) that IMHO is one of the best actors ever). And boy, they were great!=)

Elijah Wood used to be a well known actor when he was young.

Then he disappeared for a few years, and now came back in LOTR.

He was in a lot of movies when he was young though.

But he never playe a major roll. Only small ones

I mean, he never was a leading actor of a big hit movie, like Tom Cruise, Dicaprio, Ben Affleck, Mat Damon, or whatever…

The Good Son, Radio Flyer, Forever Young… to name a few :stuck_out_tongue:

He was in The Good Son with that Home Alone kid (Macauly Caulkin or whatever)

He was in Radio Flyer with the younger brother from Jurassic Park.

He was in Forever Young with Mel Gibson.

They were all pretty big movies when they first came out. And he was the main character in them all.

but I acept my defeat :stuck_out_tongue:

You´re right lost! that´s for me: :trout:

LOL! Yeah, but perhaps they weren’t so popular in Brazil at the time as they were here in the US.