Dare Devil

Wow, i just got back from Dare Devil. Everything that i thought was going to be bad wasnt, EVEN Ben Affleck :x . Surprisingly he did a very nice job with the character. It was just a really good movie, but like Spiderman, i think it is just a one time watch :frowning: . Still good and i still recomend it to anybody who is looking to go and see a move this weekend. Now, i gotta wait untill Old School comes out:bad:

Heheh, old school (I HOPE) will turn into another comedy cult classic, like Dumb and Dumber. heheh.

I heard daredevil kindo blew. Im not interested in seeing it personally. I didnt care for Spiderman either. The only reason I watched that is because I got it free when I bought my new DVD player. How it made so much money is beyond me. I thought it pretty much blew. … IMHO

Oldschool looks hella funny though. :slight_smile:

old school is going to be tight.

“Where are you taking him?”
“If you tell anyone i will kill you!”
“Oh my!”
“Just kidding, we’ll have him back by tonight”

“Be careful, thats the most powerful tranquilizer gun we have”
“… Y - ES!”

Hmm, DareDevil will hit the screen (does this mean anything?) in 2 or 3 weeks here. We’ll see… And I sure hope it’s better than Spiderman, which really sucked :-\

And what’s this “Old school” movie? I’ve never heard of it :q:

Not to anyone in particular…

Let me just ask… did you like the Piano? Boxing Helana? Monsoon Wedding? Probebly not. In fact, in all likelyhood, you didn’t even watch those movies. For that matter, when was the last time you read a book for any reason other than an assignment in school? The real question I’m trying to get at, without being too insulting is, are you a good judge of what “blows”? If you’re part of the general population of underread Americanos, then you are probebly not a good judge of movies at all. I’m not saying that you don’t have a right to your opinion… I’m just saying that your opinion may be one born of ignorance.
ok… so Spiderman and Daredevil are not masterpeices… or instant clasics, but they were never meant to be. They are most certainly in the flavor of, if not the exact content of the origional comics. So, in the end, if you don’t like Spiderman (which really makes me question your ability to decern entertainment value) then state it as it is… It’s not a bad movie, it was a bad comic, and therefore never had a chance of being a good movie to begin with… Consiquently, if you’re of that opinion, then you are in the minority as far as literary critics are concerned. Spiderman is not literature, but it does receive high marks from people who read these stories for a living.

So I stick up my nose at any of you who disparage over these movies. If you don’t like what marvel is producing, then don’t watch them and let the rest of us enjoy them for what they are, rather than what they are not.

end of rant… you may continue bashing away.

OK, so this was not to anyone in particular, but there were questions, and I want to answer them.

I have seen the Piano (amazing movie) and Moonsoon Wedding (not nearly quite as good), and I like to think that I know a few things about cinema. Which is not the case of comincs. I’ve only read a few here and there, when I got the chance, I never bought one. But I enjoyed each one of them, really. 100% fun.

Then I watch this Spiderman. And what do I see? A poor scenario, a terrible bad guy, and above all A BORING MOVIE!!! :*( Where has gone all the fun?

pom :crazy:

I liked the special FX :beam:

I disagree with the movie Spiderman being a boring movie. Sure it had it’s parts where they moved the story line along at a slower than average pace - but let’s be honest, most films do. I really enjoyed the movie and thought it was one of the best comic-to-film movies made. I have yet to see Daredevil (tuesday hopfully) and I expect it to be on par with Spiderman as I think that set a new bar for comic to film conversions. Also, I think the movie “HULK” will blow both of these flicks away when it’s released ( I hope anyway )

I dont look for underlying meaning or disect the plot down to the last twist - I just enjoy these movies for what they are, special effects with the newest hottest actors at the time full of action and hopefully a hot girl or two :wink: and for that reason, I wasnt dissapointed!

Sen - That part of the teaser makes me laugh everytime I see it! Download the trailor on quicktime.com and watch the end - it shows a bit more of the clip hahahah - seeing stiffler with a mullet and listening to will talk after he get’s shot - hahahahaha! too funny!

Tobey MacGuire was perfect as peter parker, infact, i believe he was born for that roll. Willen Dafoe is anything but a “terrible bad guy”, he is an incredible actor, and the only reason anyone think that way, is not knowing jack about his character, one of the best villain characters ever!
A spiderman comics fan, like me and david, knows the backgroud story that supports this movie.

Any adaptation of a novel, comic, book… to movies isn´t perfect, the movies don´t have the space and time to develop the full tale, that is why they rely on the original work (and in theyr fans) to support the movies.

and the FX… oh boy… to see him jumping, swinging… :stunned:

Of course, “boring” is arguable, but the Green Goblin or whatever he’s called in English was pathetic opponent, compared to what Venom would have been :bad: Not much of a challenge. [SIZE=1]Today, the Green Goblin, and the next thing you’ll know Spiderman will be challenging a frog or a cat :-[/SIZE]

the green goblin was the best and hardes spiderman villain ever!

venon is cool, but nothing compared to Green goblin, the second goblin (i don´t know his english name) and dr. octopus.

*Originally posted by Guig0 *
**Tobey MacGuire was perfect as peter parker, infact, i believe he was born for that roll. **

:!: :!: :!:

That was my biggest complaint! Toby is such a terd. American beauty - perfect roll for him, and probably type-cast him (at least in my mind) because he fit THAT roll so well. A Peter Parker he was not. Granted, I can ‘understand’ how he would have been considered, but that was my initial reasoning for not giving the film a chance in the first place. grrr toby :pirate:

to answer your post i´ll need one of you famous explanations on terd…plz?


terd: a steaming lump of poo or an actor I dont like :wink:

ok then :stuck_out_tongue:

but i like him, as an actor. I thought he was great in wonder boys, spiderman and that film (i can´t recall the english name) that he was an orfan. all great movies, and he played his roll very well in them.

though i’m not too privy to the comic scene, i do think that toby was well suited for parker. i mean, parker was supposed to be kind of a nerd, right? :geek: i personally liked spiderman, but then again, watching the film was part of a field trip that i was on and was more of a pleasant and exciting ending to the whole day (since it was opening night and we had to see the late, late showing).

as for daredevil… well, i was opposed to seeing it as soon as the commercials came out. i’m not fond of affleck and had no intention of seeing pretty-boy in yet another movie, but as more previews came out, the action scenes started to look kinda cool to me, and the idea of a blind superhero was intreuiging. so i saw the flick. i was supprised at how much i liked it. while it was just another weak comic movie, i was quite pleased with how ben played daredevil, and that the movie wasn’t some big ego trip for him. there weren’t a million scenes of his butt, close-ups of his face, his body, etc. it was nice to see a superhero movie where the story was more important than how “hot” the actor was. it was actually kind of sad too.

there’s my two cents. don’t spend it all in one place. :beam:

I agree about Daredevil. I wasn’t even going to see it except a friend of mine was going to a matine and I had nothing better to do. I certainly will not be buying that one.

HOWEVER, if anyone has ever read the comic, you can see in the first 5 minutes that Ben Afflack (I dislike this guy too, very much) was the only choice for Matt Murdock. I think he did an excellent role.
To keep in perspective as well. Ben has refused more than one request to play a superhero. He has never wanted to do a role like that. (according to him in interview) when he was asked about Daredevil he changed his mind and opted to do the movie. It was his favorite character as a kid and he wanted it to be done correctly. As far as the story went, I’d say that he accomplished his goal. It was very close to the origional comic.

As for Spiderman, Pom, the Green goblin was never my favorite villian. I’m a Doc Oc fan myself. However, if you know that you’re going to do many movies (and remember that the second has to be better than the first) you simply MUST start with the green goblin. He found out Parkers secret early in the comic which always made him one of spidies most deadly enemies… but yeah in general, I’m more thrilled by the idea of doing two to three more spiderman movies, each with better and better villians. They will get to Venom, I assure you. One reason I’m so sure is that they mentioned Eddie Brock’s name in Jamison’s office in the first movie. Since We know that Brock becomes Venom, all they have to do is come up with some other origin for the suit. (it originaly came from a War of all the Marvel Supervillian’s vs all the heros on a far away planet… it was never a very good origin for such a cool character)

So anyway… think what you will. but I’ll be at the opening night of the Hulk, as every “true believer” should be.

The ratio of good to bad responses I have gotten are 10:1 so I’m going to dish out the 5 bucks and go see it. From what i have seen it looks good and, as much as I hate Afflack, he seems to be the best choice for the role.

I’ll post more after I see it.

And I can’t wait for the new spidermans because Venom was the best villain ever!

can’t wait for Hulk…