Do you guys think this is going to be good or bad?
Ben Aflack is the hero right? Nuff said…
I am a fan of DareDevil, so I voted yes, because I do think their should be a DD movie… but NOT with Ben Affleck as the main character.
When I found that out, I almost cried in shame.
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**I am a fan of DareDevil, so I voted yes, because I do think their should be a DD movie… but NOT with Ben Affleck as the main character.
When I found that out, I almost cried in shame. **
I think that too lost!
I´m a [SIZE=4]huge[/SIZE] fan of DD (the fall of murdock is one of the best stories I´ve ever read), but ben affleck? %$#@!¨&*%$#
So I got to vote for NO
I thought DD should get a movie too. He is a great charachter. I’m not to happy about tha casting either but most ppl where made about Tobe Mcguire as Spider-Man and look how suprised they where. Maybe we will get another suprise here. The thing I’m a little mad about is that they changed King Pins character. Sure Michel Clark Duncan fits the size we need but he realy isn’t fat enough or white which King Pin is. It is always kind of werid when they jsut change a character like that. Maybe we will see another suprise there as well.
I think I’m more excited for Hulk this summer although I’ll keep my expectations low so as not to wreak the movie for my self. the teaser tralier looked awsome.
What’s wrong with Ben?
I like his movies, especially Jay and Silent Bob and Dogma!
No, those aren’t his movies, those are Kevin Smiths movies, and they are all good.
I don’t have anything against Ben, but seeing him as DareDevil makes no sense to me, it is a horrible match all around.
the Daredevil movie might be good, but this Affleck thing has got my gaurd up. And i fully agree on the Kingpin thing… But hollywood has prooven us wrong before, and might do it again… The trailer made the movie look pretty awesome…
however, Ben Affleck as Daredevil is nothing compared to the rumor that i heard about who’s gonna play the next Batman… anyone catch wind of who it is?
Here is a hint: You’d better lose yourself…
Emnem is not playing the next batman. I heard that rumor and that is all it is, a rumor. Of course he couldn’t be any worse then clooney was. Man that last batman movie sucked.
ben affleck…oh man…thx for reminding me…now i shall go and cry in the corner AGAIN…thx alot
lol, anyways, i think DD is such a friggen COOL character even affleck himself cannot ruin it…much anyways…
eminem as batman? …i think he could be robin lol (remember video) dre as Batman?? lololol
I don’t think any movie company would be stupid enough to cast Eminem as Batman. That would be a huge mistake.
Just what we would need. A short, skinny, bleach blonde guy who doesn’t know how to speak real english (instead he speaks with all “slang”).
So yeah… I would never think that was true.
Yes, but eminem writes his own lyrics, while people like george clooney have mastered the art of reading off of cue cards… if val kilmer can get in the bat suit, and Booker from Roseanne can fit the caped crusaders cowl, why not everyones favorite white rapper. You know his next role will be a challenging one…
But more towards the original topic, how the hell is a blind man supposed to fight crime? Seriously…I’ve read some daredevil stuff, and sure, he has heightened senses, due to his lack of eye sight, but seriously; backflips from highrise buidlings? I doubt it. I think the first time he would have slipped and fell to his death, where the people on the sidewalk could enjoy a tasty side dish, daredeviled eggs…
I am not a huge DD fan, but I was a fan when I was younger and glad they are making a movie about him, but if I remember correctly…
I think he has some kind of sonar type thing so he can sense what is around him.
Maybe Guig0 can clear this up for us since he is the huge fan.
daredevil is gonna be so cool
i mean ben affleck cannnot POSSIBLy look worse than this
Maj: read this
Daredevil is a super hero with an unusual gimmick: he is blind. His other senses are so acute however, that his affliction is hardly a handicap, although he initially possessed little of the special insight that popular fiction frequently attribute to the blind.
okay, so maybe affleck was cast because he seems like the sleazy lawyer type, and might have the acting ability to pull off a convincing blind man… And, since daredevil is ‘mostly’ normal, scrawny-bag-of-sticks-affleck could easily play this non-muscular hero. So, maybe this movie might be okay, maybe…
But, i will say this: I will walk out of the movie if i see even a cameo appearance of matt damon…
The Matt Damon and Ben Affleck cameos only happen in Kevin Smith movies (that I have seen).
And Mak… hahaha, that pic is hilarious. I saw the trailer for DD (I believe before Harry Potter 2), it actually does look pretty good, but Ben still doesn’t remind me of Murdock.
I really liked the old batman with michael keaton as batman and batman returns. I was into tha dark kinda thing. Did they get a new director becuase the whole mood of the movies were ^%#ed up.
sorry i couldn’t answer your question earlier Maj! was so busy…
anyways, what happens is as a child, Murdock(DD) has some wierd chemicals dropped on his face as he tries to save some person, the car that was carrying them didn’t tie them properly or something, i forget . after losing his eyesight, all other senses are MUCH MUCH improved and hieghted. its similar to how your senses adjust when you are in pitch black, but his are MUCH MUCH acute!
he can hear peoples heartbeats through walls and so on…all other senses are really fine tuned.
also, he is like a batman with superhuman powers…as a child he was trained by some ninja type dude and that is why he is in such excellent shape. he is such a cool character…right up there IMHO with spiderman, venom, and ONSLAUGHT …maybe even with Xman, but Xman beat Apocalypse so i dunno maybe Xman is the top…