David leaving!?


I’ve been watching this situation on the sidelines and there are a few things I want to say before David leaves, which do NOT want at all!!

When this situation started with the Ghost thread, I didn’t like the way Phil handled the situation when David told him off in the private message. Phil was whinning and complaining over and over and over in multiple threads. Of course David was wrong for going off on Phil like that, but Phil is also wrong for constantly b*tching about it. At that time of course, I didn’t want to get involved in any way and remained silent about it.

Phil you’re a cool guy, but you can be a big baby at times, you’re a mod and the way you went on and on about David’s offensive words was very unprofessional. I thought being a mod here is setting a good example for everyone else. I’m a new mod and I was very proud to become a mod, but situations like this really disappoints me.

From what I’ve seen, David took the first steps in working things out with his phone call proposal. I thought that was very good of him to swallow his pride and make that proposal.

Now it’s obviously that Phil thinks that the rules of the forum doesn’t apply to him and he’s gone too far with his posts towards David. I don’t care who you are Phil, mod or no mod, you don’t have the right to post offensive comments toward any member.

You didn’t bother to resolve this situation like David did, but instead went on insulting David in front of us. I don’t care who you are, I don’t care if you hate me after this, but someone has to say something before David leaves. I do not want to pick sides, but I have to say it anyways.

David if you’re reading this, please reconsider and Phil, I’m sorry about this post, but someone has to say something about your abuse of power here.

David/Phil, I don’t have time at this moment to read in detail all the messages and such, but today or tomorrow I’ll try my best to intervene and hopefully find a solution to the problems between the both of you.

David, I don’t want you to resign from 2 years of moderating because of this problem.



Doesn’t seem like we can do much anymore, he’s gone.

See you at the crossroads david, it’s been a good two years.

please read my letter.

First off, I apologize for posting here in the mod section, but after getting a few emails from people I realize that my words are being taken incorrectly so I obviously need to make a correction.

I am not leaving. I am resigning as a mod. I will still be found asking and answering questions in the tech sections. What do you think I can learn MX without my old crew of teachers???

Please… no hard feelings towards any of you except one who refuses to apologise to me. It shouldn’t take my resigning for people to suddenly start thinking of my feelings.

I resigned for two reasons, please reread them if you don’t understand. I can’t express it better than I did in my resignation. I hold no ill will towards anyone including phil, nor do I wish harm, or malice towards this community.

Take your jobs seriously, and I’ll be happy.

But… but… you can’t :*( We need you david.

Oh yeah, and ditto what EG said as well.

I haven’t read any of the posts that lead to this, but I want to say that it sucks. [size=10]IT SUCKS.[/size] It sucks and it’s sad. I think I’ll take a break from this board for a while too :frowning:

I’m breaking off for a little while. I have too much work stacked up. I need to stay away. i have 4 clients right now and I also have my school work and then I just got hired in a small networking company that makes websites as their head web-developer. :slight_smile:

Yah… but then you won’t be in here… :frowning:

David: I read your letter. I’m sorry for letting you down as you say. You’re right… I did support you in private but I nary uttered a word to Phil. The reason is this: remember the Princess Bride thread? Remember the huge argument between you, phil, acoustic and I? I don’t like that. I made a decision to just avoid “debates.” Whenever Phil or any other member says something offensive or something I disagree with, I just close the thread and get back to work… because that’s what I should be doing anyway. “Exchange of ideas” doesn’t seem to be feasible anymore… at least in my opinion. Oh well… I hope you don’t leave your post as a mod. You’re one of the best and most helpful people here.

I haven’t taken a stand, because I don’t have one.

David: what would be gained by demoting yourself? If you don’t have time to mod, don’t do anything Mod-like. You can still visit the forum (if you don’t want to be known, simply use a diff username). Sorry but this looks melodramatic to me JMO.

There is no reason for anyone to take sides. Both David & Phil know how we feel about them. Anything said in favor of one, hurts the other. I am not willing to hurt either person.

In any group, friction between parties is bound to happen. It only affects the group if allowed to fester and grow.

My opinion on this matter:

David: if you want to take a break, go ahead. PM or email anyone you wish to say anything special, but no big public show of remorse. You yourself said you would be back.

Phil: put David (and any of his non de plume) on your ignore list.

The rest of us: Let’s get back to having fun Flashing… As with all families, things change, that is what makes us stronger friends.

Sorry if I’ve offended anyone, but I had to finally give my opinon.

thanks for listening,


When the forums started a good while back, david was one of the few who helped out extensively in the beginnning. Therefore, david, I am not going to remove your mod status. I think people need to know who you are how much you have contributed to the growth of the site and forums over the years - removing you from the mod lists would be quite futile.

Feel free to drop into Top Secret whenever you wish =)

Kirupa :hat:

Reverend… you’re correct, it was melodramatic. I’m working on that problem, but having difficulty staying consistant.