
sorry… too long to pm to you. feel free to delete before or after you read it

right off the bat: I’m sorry I called you a fool. I do not consider you a fool.

I would like to address a couple things, since my thread was junked. Not sure if you even care, but I cannot exactly let a couple of things you said lay. You definitely have a false impression of me.

I am sick and tired of you throwing this in everyone’s face, like you have more authority, know more about, are a better person, because you have been here longer.
I was only making a point. You said that no one cared about the subject matter. I was bringing forth the fact that kirupa and I, and a few others had discussed this in the past, before any of you were privy to the conversations. The point is, obviously some people did care about the subject and had real opinions on the matter. I am sorry if that looks like I’m trying to lord something over your head.

Do not call me a fool, just because I agree with Phil (why else did you pick his thread out of all the rest?).
I don’t read posts in random (which is where the majority of hotlinking occurs. I do read “picture this” threads because I like the game. I had noticed the problem in the past, but had other things more important occupying my time.

Seriously David, you are here 10% of the time anymore, and you want to add more rules? How about we try to handle the problems we have rather than the ones that “get my goat.”
Do you know how much time I log into the server? I’m on all night long. The problem isn’t in the time spent, but in what areas the time is spent, and in doing what. Currently I am recapitalizing on all the good past posts that I’ve been missing in the tech sections. That hardly means that I’m not here.

I want to go on the record as saying this is stupid, probably motivated by something other than “misappropriated bandwidth,” and brought by a control freak.

This above all else I had to address. I understand why you see it that way, but you’re just wrong. I don’t know how I could prove such to you. I suppose I could gather together a group of character references, but I’m sure that such would be a large waste of time for you and I. All I can say is that I don’t attempt to control anyone that I know of in my life. I give control of my house to my mate, because she enjoys it and I don’t. I’m the guy who sits in the back and enjoys other’s in the limelight. I’ve never sought power, prestiege, or any other manner of exception from the crowd. I have control over a few things in life, that I enjoy, but a “freek”? It amazes me that anyone would refer to me as such.

If you give me the moment to read this, then I’ll try to explain where I’m coming from. I was asked to be a mod at Kirupa and attempted to turn down the possition. I didn’t want to be bothered with such an endevor. Kirupa really wanted me so I said yes. I’m sure most of that motivation towards doing so was purely the amount of time I spent on the board. I was there 14 hours a day. I did enjoy the possition quite a bit, and we had many long threads about various subject which we considered to be the “proper” way to run a board. Hopefuly it was because of these actions, but regardless, the board excelled and the members swelled. People loved it, and flocked here because we weren’t like the next guys. (like I said, I’m assuming that was why)

now is today, and I’ve been preoccupied with many things in my life. Buying a house, getting married, my brother, whom I haven’t had the pleasure to see for a decade is back in my life, and a desire to go more in depth into Flash. All these things have distracted me from the board. I see the board now, and I see a lot of malcontents. We all do. People are being banned every other day. So, I attempted to create a definitive set of rules for the forum, which in turn, I made sure were created by you guys. I only took what you were banning people for and set them in stone.

yes, I have a problem with Phil. No not everything I do here at kirupaforum is motivated towards his dismissal.

If kirupa doesn’t want to get rid of him that’s fine. I don’t have to like something to go along with it. As I have always done in this job, I defer ultimate authority to kirupa in all things. I believe in my heart that’s the way it should be. He’s paying for it after all.

This post was motivated entirely by me trying to come up with various ways of instituting a sense of what was, back into the forum. If that’s a crime then I’m guilty of it to be sure.

go have some fun somewhere, get laid, whatever it is for you to relax. This world is uptight as it is, we don’t need your help to cinch the noose any more.

This I find kind of offensive, but I understand, I just called you “fool” in th previous thread. I guess I deserve a slap in the face for it.

EVERYONE here has hotlinked to images, I almost can guarantee it, let’s not be a Kirupa Thug Crew, let’s let the members and mods have fun.
I’d bet ten to one that I never have. I may have at one point in time on the internet, but I’ve believed it to be unethical since my inception into the world of design several years ago.

I have been asked several times, “why are the mods cracking down on everyone lately, has there been a warning from Kirupa?”
I’m not sure what this means. I know that there have been a lot of bannings lately, but I certainly have not been guilty of doing so. The rules are as light and open as I could possibly make them and still abide by what we have already set down in conversation. if there are crack downs, it’s on the footers. That rule has always been effected against people. If it’s happening more now than in the past it’s because there are more people here now than there ever have been. More people = more rule breakers.

I am not happy about this thread at all. Do not expect me to “police” David’s pet-peave.

I’m sorry that this thread urked you. I was throwing ideas on the table for purusal. I never asked that it be made a rule. I even said in my first post that I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea.

Anytime I bring somthing to this table called “top secret”, it is always to make the idea known. If no one has a clue how anyone else feels around here, how are we supposed to work as a team at all?

In the end it comes down to this. At least four of us have a problem with hotlinking. So I don’t have any regrets about bringing it to the table. Again, sorry my doing this job, the only way I know how, offends you.

Please use the PM feature - when a topic of this nature has it’s subject directed to one person, like discussed a few months ago, a PM would suit us all just well.

The only issue that I am going to involve myself with is the number of bannings that occur recently. The rules really haven’t changed, it is just that there are more people requesting us in their own, hyper-childish ways to ban them.

I or the other mods do not go around trying to find people to ban, they find us. I’m sure once school starts, most of the under 18 crowd will slowly creep back into their school lifestyle which will take the place of breaking the rules in the forum.

There are no major rules here because majority of the members follow the rules. Why antagonize the majority because of the actions of a few? If somebody breaks the rules, they are WARNED, not banned. If you happen to read many of the threads about the bans in Top Secret, you will realize that there is a reason they were banned, and most of the time, all of us were made aware of the banning prior to it actually happening.

I and the others are always interested in suggestions, and some suggestions simply will not work. This isn’t a utopian society, but the least we can do is set an example and hope that others follow our actions.