Harsh members


I know valay5 was vague, but what’s up with 4 pages of dissing him??

Asphalt especially dissapoints me… :m:

I know what you mean.

it’s just plain bullying…

granted, valay5 doesn’t learn quickly, or even at all, but that doesn’t deserve being picked on.


he deserves being picked on a little, but not 4 pages of picking…

I gave him a 24 hour banning period, so 24 hours from this post anyone can unban him. He has been doing this to a lot of members and this is the only way he will learn.

Yeah - asphalt supposedly called alex an “idiot” for a brief moment before editing his post in the Test Forum. Since alex didn’t have a screen shot, I was unable to do anything beyond giving a vague warning.

asphalt and soul both are pushing my buttons lately…

especially asphalt and his adolescent boredom… I wish the boy would just go outside and do something when he is bored instead of instigating trouble.


I’m still convinced it’s because asphalt now works with kit, and she’s a mod, he’s allowed more…

He thinks of himself as a semi mod… or maybe he even thinks he’s gonna be a mod soon :sigh:

not that mod’s are allowed to bully of course :slight_smile:

asphalt is one of the select few on my “do-not-like” list…

*Originally posted by kirupa *
**Yeah - asphalt supposedly called alex an “idiot” for a brief moment before editing his post in the Test Forum. **
Actually I edited it out, it annoyed me, it’s just not his job to do so :slight_smile:

aha :slight_smile:

I nominate asphalt and soul for mod. :sigh:

It takes two to tango.

oh look, no one brought up anything about David, but the issue was entirely ressurected by Phil… what a surprise :!:

Phil: As I recall, when David made a post about you when you weren’t around you freaked out, but somehow you think it is fair to do it to him? I think theres a word for that… starts with an “H” or something like that, you might know it.

I personally don’t think David is a problem at all, if you notice no one else but you has a problem with him, 2 clashing personalities, 'tis ashame, but stay away from eachother and you will be fine. You only draw eachother together by created posts like this Phil. Drop the issue and keep it between you two, I think it is safe to say the mods are getting tired of hearing it over and over and over and over and over and over again.

Just because I don’t post incessantly… doesn’t mean I don’t spend time here. I still visit Kforums many times during the day. I spend a lot of time in Ordered and Forbidden (catching up on all the drama). I just chose to stop participating and just be an observer for a while.

It just sounds to me like you are b1tching about David b1tching about you… it’s a giant, perpetuating cycle.

can differences ever be put aside?

and i still don’t see how david fits at all with the recent activities.

If you wouldn’t be so contradictory I wouldn’t have to make statements about what you do. I don’t have to be on a side to think it is wrong that you get mad when David does something, but you turn around and do it too like there’s nothing wrong with it. Apparently at one time you thought something was wrong with it, but now I guess it just doesn’t matter since you are doing it?

As I said, you guys bicker back and forth all throughout top secret, ordered, and forbidden, and it is so tiring to see it go on and on and on and have to deal with it. It doesn’t matter WHO starts it, just keep it between yourselves!

Am I the only one tired of the David and Phil beef?

Someone has to be the bigger person, David obviously did his part, when’s the last time we saw him!

Much to my shame? I can’t say as I am ashamed of the way I have acted in the past.

I am at a point where I am just tired of hearing it from both of you, so yes, if he does create a post/thread that I feel was meant to start something with you then I will say something, because I won’t feel like hearing/reading all the crap that will follow it.

What are you talking about? You make yourself into this quiet victim but you are far from it. You bite back and with a multi-paragraph force… as this and many other threads and replies would prove.

And as far as I can tell… no one is giving David special treatment. I recall some drama threads of his being moved into the Forbidden forum before anyone even got a chance to reply to it.

And for the record… in case you are suspicious of me… it was not I who edited/deleted/touched/sneezed or did anything to any of your precious diatribes. Like I said… I was just observing…

I think I can confidently say that I’m not in the least bit a minority in just wishing the two of you would just shut the hell up. And in case you missed it… I feel equally that way about both sides.

*Originally posted by RenaissanceGirl *
I think I can confidently say that I’m not in the least bit a minority in just wishing the two of you would just shut the hell up. And in case you missed it… I feel equally that way about both sides.
Gotta hand it to RenGirl, she has the perscription to the problem! :thumb:

Your a moderator, but it doesn’t mean you can do anything, banning 20+ members isn’t exactly justifiable. . . .

I wasn’t there to experience the banning, kemical should have stayed banned lol. It may have been funny if I was drunk off my *** having a bad day, which it looks like you were having.

takes vodka away from phil :stuck_out_tongue:

What a pointless thread, it is a waste of all our time ready this when I could be doing something more productive. Why can’t people kill the past. Someone throw this in Forbidden in the morning.