Well as the Justice System sloooooowly crawls along, things are starting to happen. In fact on CNN today there is a story about the 18 year old boy who was involved in the whole thing. If you want to read something that will make your skin crawl - check this out
yah I dont think either of these two will see what life is like on the other side of the barbed wire fence ever again, well at least the father anyway.
It sounds to me like that kid is going to get a light sentence due to a bone headed move by the police - I really hope that’s not the case. Any one with that much hate or whatever it is going on in their heads need to go away and never been seen again.
I would not have second thoughts about pulling the trigger to end either of them. They disgust me… esp when the 18yr old laughed about the fact that one of his bullets wizzed by a todlers head and thought it was a bee. I’m not a violent person, but I do have limits, and these guys crossed them - point made.