Okay so I have some minor dillema’s going on here.
Here it is…
I have been going to a community college for a couple years now and I hate it a lot. I was planning on just not going back this year (although I am very close to going to another college, maybe one semester, another year at most). I am a highly unmotivated person in most areas.
So I thought, I will get promoted at work, or find another job this summer. I didn’t get the promotion I deserved and, although I applied somewhere, I thought that was going nowhere. And then I decided, maybe I’ll go back to school, maybe get done and transfer away finally. I really need out of this small town I live in.
Then I get a call, I have an interview at a coffee shop on Thursday. I switched my schedule at my current job so I can make it to it.
So what do I do?
a) keep current job, go to school
b) work both jobs, no school
c) new job, w/school
d) no jobs and no school, play video games and guitar all day
d is looking really good. The main reason for NOT going to school is that I am really sick of it and have no direction. I don’t know what to take. I’m thinking about Interpersonal Communication and Illustration. At least those are in town and I don’t have to drive 30 minutes both ways for classes… ugh…
I’ll probably go reg in the next day or so, regardless of what anyone says. I am tired of my old job (two years egad!) all I want are the free movies there. But I’ve always wanted to work in a coffee shop. Well, a record store, but we don’t really have any