Decisions, decisions!

Okay so I have some minor dillema’s going on here.
Here it is…

I have been going to a community college for a couple years now and I hate it a lot. I was planning on just not going back this year (although I am very close to going to another college, maybe one semester, another year at most). I am a highly unmotivated person in most areas.

So I thought, I will get promoted at work, or find another job this summer. I didn’t get the promotion I deserved and, although I applied somewhere, I thought that was going nowhere. And then I decided, maybe I’ll go back to school, maybe get done and transfer away finally. I really need out of this small town I live in.

Then I get a call, I have an interview at a coffee shop on Thursday. I switched my schedule at my current job so I can make it to it.

So what do I do?

a) keep current job, go to school
b) work both jobs, no school
c) new job, w/school
d) no jobs and no school, play video games and guitar all day

d is looking really good. The main reason for NOT going to school is that I am really sick of it and have no direction. I don’t know what to take. I’m thinking about Interpersonal Communication and Illustration. At least those are in town and I don’t have to drive 30 minutes both ways for classes… ugh…

I’ll probably go reg in the next day or so, regardless of what anyone says. I am tired of my old job (two years egad!) all I want are the free movies there. But I’ve always wanted to work in a coffee shop. Well, a record store, but we don’t really have any :confused:


A college education pays off in the long run (both economically and socially) unless you want to work your current job for a really long time.

Also, here is census data for the difference in income with or without a college education if you decide to work for someone else (not work in your own business):

Even if you work in a field completely unrelated to your education, having a college education is a signal for potential employers that you are intelligent, motivated, and disciplined.

You said you’ve been going to a cc for several years. You should be almost done with it anyway.


education above all things - make sure the bills are paid - get out of community college and actually get into 4 year school learning and doing what you are interested in and its a whole new world.

just be diligent - i think everyone goes through what you are going through now at the end of your sophomore year.

You’re a very tricky fellow. I was going to vote c, and I figured “well c is third, so it’s probably third on the list”, but no… I see what you’re trying to pull here… :cop:

Yup, school and new job! School’s really important

Ah, if only all decisions were that easy :stuck_out_tongue:

Uh oh, a new situation just arose. I was at work and found out the other Shift Leader resigned today. My manager had told me, when I asked why I wasn’t promoted, that I would be next if this situation arose.

So now, do I take the promotion (and probably can’t do school then), or get this new job? ACK! I’m hoping he says I can still go to school and be SL, cause I think that’s what I would want. More money and hours. I really need this promotion. I’ve been feeling reallllly upset about not getting it before because I feel extremely confident in my job, it’s where I feel totally natural and at ease the most. It’s not a hard job I guess, but to me, to feel that confident, that if someone needs something done, I can do it, means a lot.

I guess I’m still gonna go to that interview though, keep my options at least open, and then turn them down if I need to.

Yah but I have been really unmotivated and it makes it hard to care. I’m afraid I’m messing up my future when I DO get a career choice, and go to a four year and they might reject me. But I think I’ve at least done alright so far…

DAG! You’re on to me! Although, if it were a trick, I really should have made it correlate to d, no job or school, guitar and video games here I come!

I think nowadays you need a college degree. Thankfully I started when a 2 year degree was perfectly fine and experience counted.

But if you are lazy I would just go with the 2 jobs and play video games route. 10 years from now you’ll wake up and then go to college when you’re tired of flipping burgers.

Hey I don’t flip burgers, I rent out movies!

Uck if I did that for ten years… argh.

Anyway… I think I’m going to register tomorrow (which I was going to do today). Thinking about taking French, or maybe german. I took four years of spanish, although I forgot it all and ended up just sucking at it. I am excited to maybe learn a new language though.

But I doubt I could be SL then… :confused:

And I have the job interview tomorrow… what to do! I better decide tonight so I can discuss availability!

Well, I did it. Made my decision and I hope I don’t regret it. Went and registered for college today, and guess what, my family no longer qualifies for the BOGG (board of governers grant, I don’t know if it’s just CA, but if you are poor enough, you get all classes for 25.50 instead of 18 dollars a unit.) So I spent about 70 dollars today on ONE class and am going to spend another 200 tomorrow on three more. Then I gotta buy books. Why am I going back to school…

But here is my schedule (if I get the other classes):

MW(F): French 1, 10AM-12PM (11AM), 5 units
M: Interpersonal Communications, 6PM-9PM, 3 units
T: Political Science, 7PM-10PM, 3 units
TH: Geography, 4PM-7PM, 3 units

I am about 20 units away from my my degree/transfer, so next semester I’ll finish up with some science and stupid classes. Basically all I need out of these is POLS2, the others are just filler. Well apparantly GEOG7 is for ethnic requirements or something if I go to a CSU? Have no idea how that works, but if it keeps the option open, okay, I need another class anyway. Main problem is French is in Redding, a half hr away from here, and that’s not fun, especially when my car is not the most reliable…
Hopefully the money I’m spending this semester will motivate me to do well!

And then at 12:30 I had my interview; it went SO well. Got the job right then and there (although I think that’s how it works there, cause the guy before me got his new hire kit too, just before my interview. I was worried she would say something like, ‘Oh he just got the job, oh well.’) My manager at the video store said he might be able to work around my new coffee shop job and school, so I can have too jobs and school, argh! But I REALLY want the free movies haha.
Thanks for your help guys, I think your advice was best. Now if only I could get a girl… I could be too busy for HER. HOWS THAT? HUH? HOWS THAT?

Okay nobody cares but, i got all the classes I wanted. I have 14 units this semester leaving having only 6 to take next semester and I’ll be DONE with this crappy school and I’ll transfer.

All that changed was I got intro to american gov mwf from 1-2pm, after french, cause it fits better. That way I’m making a 30 min drive to the college those days for two classes, not just one, and I get tues night off.

cool, glad things worked out for you…

i was going to suggest D, and that you open up a local record shop in your town based on two things: one - you said that is what you wanted, and two - you said there isn’t one locally. boo-yah!

yeah I really want to do that, maybe later… but right now things are good I suppose as they are.

I almost said new job w/ school til I saw d. Do d! Do it for a year and then get a new job and finish school. probably NEVER again in your life will you have the opportunity to do nothing until you’re too old to enjoy it - and you may never even make it that long. After you’re done with school you can kiss your summers good bye so you should get the time to enjoy loafing about while you still can. But, again, only for a short while - a year, two at the most. This will also give you some time to get so bored with being a lazy bum that you’ll be more motivated to get some ambition or just concentrate on finding yourself and what it is you want to do when you get through with school. Why deal with it when you have no direction and where you might end up doing something you truely dont want to do?

[edit] Ok, Ive done some reading and it seems Im late :trout: [/edit]

haha, well thanks for the input anyways sen. Too bad your late, cause I really respect your opinion and it may have made a difference. But I feel like this summer showed me what it’s like to loaf about, and after just a summer I’m totally motivated again to go to scool and LEAVE THIS SMALL TOWN. I figured maybe after I get done with this last year I’ll go on a trip or something, I really want to go to japan, or at least europe or something. It’ll be like tying up loose ends before I go, finishing school will. And I am getting close to postive that I want to do something with computers… web design, something. I know I’m nothing special but I think I can learn and really like learning and doing web design stuff.
So all it took was a summer… and realizing there is nothing in this place for me.

One thing I regret is doing the whole “backpacking in Europe” thing after school - or at least something in the gap between HS and college or college and work. I went straight to college after HS and straight to freelancing to an almost immediate job after college. What little fun I didnt have.

But look how much respect and authority you garner in the computer forums world!


Yah I really don’t wanna work my whole life. Even though I know I would love a job freelancing or doing basically anything with computers… to tell you the truth the only reason I’m not set on computers is I want to be a rock star. It would be the perfect fit for me :beam:

I hate computers more and more everyday :stuck_out_tongue: