Design check - All comments welcome

I’ve been working a little on my site. I would welcome any comments, bearing in mind that it isn’t finished and the majority of the content isn’t there yet (and some rather un-imaginitive place holder text).

I’m after any comments you have on design, fonts, animations, graphics etc. If you think it sucks please tell me! If you think something looks good tell me that too. Often I can get in my own little world and ignore basic design principles.

I’m not sure about my startup animation thing with the rotating hexagons. It’s probably been done to death and I think I’ve broken a cardinal rule by having too much stuff animated at once… let me know how it plays on your machines (I’m using a 1ghz PC and it seems to run a little slower in the browser, or maybe I’m seeing things).

(I’ve uploaded it to my angelfire site so please just ignore the popups, and also the blank space at the top which the angelfire code seems to insert.)

Very nice, love the color scheme used here, it makes your color work samples pop out. Here are some things I noticed that could be changed:

  1. I would get rid of the gap at the top, it’s nothing major but I think it would look better if it was flush with the top.

  2. It looks like you’re using Times Roman for the plugin text at the bottom and it doesn’t go well with your layout. Once again this is a minor thing, but I would use something like Arial size 1 since it’s more appropriate for this type of layout.

  3. Also the left and right arrow buttons on the bottom panel seem to blend into the layout too much, it took me awhile to notice them. Maybe if you have it Orange or have it blink randomly, it would better get the viewer’s attention.

Overall I like this site very much, I like the amount of detail you’ve put in and your 3D work is awesome as well. Good job. =)

  • bump *

Thanks for that. I’ve modified the buttons and they stand out alot more now. I also took away the rotating hexagon bit as it was slow when I ran it on my 500mhz machine at home… still looks ok I think. I haven’t uploaded the changes yet.

Anyone else?

i look forward to seeing the main txt up there get finished

Wow, that rotating hexagon is pretty cpu intensive (it’s using about 40% of my 2.4 ghz cpu). But still, it’s a pretty awesome site. :slight_smile:

waaaay too many popups. You should get a real host because it
does your site no justice. takes away from it a lot. I had a hard
time enjoying it, let alone browsing and critiquing it.

I lasted for 6 popups and closed it (approx 12 seconds). :sigh:

yeah, 45% of my cpu (dual 650) and it plays back jerky

but nice, simple layout all-in-all

You’ve got great talent with 3D Studio!

Also you’ve got a good eye for design.

Nice and sexy design Love it very much !

your good in 3dsm4 i love the design and the 3d fighter.

If you are so good ! then try to buy flightsimulator 2003 and buy the FSDS program from ABUSE to creat 3d aircrafts for flgith sim 2003 and see your 3d plane fly i have FSDS and its cool / simple 3d program !

I love the colors of your site !

I have p2 ! 350 mhz so over 1 min waiting to just close 6 popup(s)