i say get up phpBB2 add all neccesary member things, point sysytem (i can help with that) then we will customize
I can help when u get into customizing level!
I say we all set up phpBB 2 and forget the flash forum.
Wil this site be done in HTML like I said?
i’m agree with you, today i have pay 8.40 euro for database my sql of aruba.it:)
in case i want to install your forum in my database what i do?:h:
first i want to view a demo!
*Originally posted by MrMass *
**I can help when u get into customizing level!
peace:P **
Many thanks mr.mass :thumb:
first check out
and read around their. Download the latest version and then follow the instructions usually if you ask nicely a forum veterasn will install it for you.
nice people round there!
then i can help add scripts that have already been invented
Yes and phpBB2 is almost as easy to skin as vBulletin.
*Originally posted by VisualAid *
**first check out
and read around their. Download the latest version and then follow the instructions usually if you ask nicely a forum veterasn will install it for you.
nice people round there!
then i can help add scripts that have already been invented **
It sounds good! i download and install it but, next i’ll customize it .
thanx:) NOw i can say that i’m at 70% to put out Designlegion. many thanx again, i post you if i have a problem.
WARNING! i want to install phpbb2 forum but it requires an hosting linux, is there a fix,patch or other to make it avaible for hosting windows?:hangover: Help!
If you want to run an ASP forum here is a good free one. http://www.webwizguide.com/web_wiz_forums/default.asp?mode=asp
I am currently implementing this one for a client and it seems pretty cool. You willhave to pay to have the link removal. But the app is free.
Let me know if you need help. I am pretty good with ASP. and the graphics stuff.
theres a windows hosting package.! sure of it my host hasnt got linux
check that out it says you just need mySQL
should be fine i can take alook if you want.
I was thinking why dont u take .com domain instead of .tk
i was thinking that i have vibrart.com now, and now i try to make an good Community, if this one have a good success i pay a domain for make DL .com.
i complete the hardest complication-work of the form.and i have installed on DL. :azn: :thumb:
DESIGNLEGION is at 85% to complete. :thumb:
Hey do you need any help skinning phpBB? I am very good at that and would like to join the community.
all good to hear can wait till i can post
also just incase take a looksie here.
Its going to take a lot of help from everyone if this site is to become a success which at this time looks quite promising. I look forward to reviewing the site in site check.
I’ve just say that th site is at 85%. but i 've continuos tecnical problems with my pc.
it isnt all lost! My desire is to complete it between tomorrow.
Please support me!
let us see that 85% maybe we could work all together for those 15% left
i can help a lil…where are you stuck?