- yeah i said it

I’m using IE and it just sits there and doesn’t load. What’s the deal-E-O.

I like it a lot man :thumb:

Very clean. Aside from the image quality that has been addresses 100 times I cant think of anything that I didnt like.

Except the fact you kinda look like Jeter :scream: :scream: :scream: :skull::skull::skull:

I’m really not trying to be a spelling nazi, but you spelt coming wrong (typos can make sites look a lot less professional) - aside from that and the image quality thang, looks great (I have a few minor problems with fonts, but I’ve got Flash set up wrong on this machine).

very clean… not to complex… i’m diggin’ it :slight_smile:

SPELT is not the word to use there… try misspelled, or spelled :P. Incorrect gramar can make you look like you don’t know what you’re talkin about… LoL… j/k j/k

Anyway… nice job on the site, seen it b4, but nice none-the-less.

Menu font is a little blurry, and I noticed that the home button doesn’t extend until you actually hover over it when you first load… shouldn’t it be extended when the site loads since that’s the section you’re in?

The photo of yourself, the fake polaroid look isn’t goin well… just doesn’t look right, a little cheesy. I think the main reason is, is because it’s just regular white and it has the black border around it. Maybe try givin’ the white some shadowing.

I’m also confused at what the thing on your first page is? Is it a mouse going around a planet? Whatever it is I still don’t get it’s relevance.

Was kinda tough to find the quote link too.

i wish your buttons for your nav had a bigger hit area… that’s all I got.

I’m having a problem with it loading also… (using Firefox)

Ok, image quality is as high as i can get - 225 kb. (jpg’s)

Njs: Coming :wink: thanks

I noticed that the home button doesn’t extend until you actually hover over it when you first load… shouldn’t it be extended when the site loads since that’s the section you’re in?

can’t belive I missed that, fixed. thanks

couple more things im looking into, such as blurry fonts on the menu, etc.

thanks again people!

O man colors rule :slight_smile: I didnt get why logo takes you to another site :slight_smile: I would instead of the digitalosophy on every page…I would add titles ‘‘about’’ etc at the same spot where digitalosophy is now.

I found that your picture is a bit choppy at the corners, maybe a white background in the back would give a more clean look to it

Very clean, well coded website :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks Mass

Those guys that were having trouble viewing Digital’s site, it seems that it takes about 1 minute after the preloader to actually fully appear on the page. It does evetually come up, something you could look into there David.

That’s soo odd :puzzled:

I haven’t had that problem yet, but I keep seeing posts about it. What browsers are you guys using?

Thanks for the heads up, looking into what can be causing this now.

Yea same thing for me… it took a while for the page to finish loading after the preloader was done and gone… iam using IE 6.0

I don’t know, I had it open in a tab yesterday around lunch time I think, and it was still at 0% when i left at 4. Using Firefox 0.8.

The site looks really nice digital. The elastic effect between the scenes is neat! I was able to see it perfectly in IE, but the preloader is stuck at 0% in FF :slight_smile:

Great Job Digital! The music on there is really catchy.

The nav is cool, especially because that stupid hand doesn’t appear.
I’m using FF, and I didn’t even notice it loading, so no errors here.


:thumb: Excellent work Digital. I love the colours, style, music, everything really. I thought you said you weren’t really a designer? :wink:

BTW: I’m looking forward to working with you. (What does that mean? Oooh…)

good site…a lil prob for 800600 users… need to scroll…change ur desktop resolution to 800600 and check, u will understand.

Thanks guys :slight_smile:

@gnr: yea i know sry, the site is bascially unviewable at that resolution

hehe i think i forgot to say that i really like the site… great colors, fonts and a good balance of motion… get the preloader running and your all set :slight_smile: