- yeah i said it

Well lol after a long long time of going through various designs and concepts, I have finally lauched my portfolio.

It’s not complete, as I’m actually waiting for an “ok” to publically display my work at the army corps. (they are really picky)

DDC will be exactly what it says, it’s rolling and hopefully will be done, within a few weeks.

Make sure you check out the price quote linked on the homepage!!

very nice, I like the idea of the wide nav but I am not so sure about the scrolling effect through the items… perhaps a pop to the side like in the nav?

the bg-pics of the different pages are a bit blurry around the title sometimes, maybe a better jpg-quality?

I like it a lot! Nice use of colors and subtle animation for the transitions.
As squanman said, the bg-pics are a bit blurry. Perhaps you could just retrace them in flash? Most of them are quite vector looking anyway. Or would it hit on the fps?

Thanks guys, the images are png’s.

The whole site is only 100kb, maybe I should make them higher quality.

Only problem is, if I use high quality jpg’s the elastic effect will lag on crappy pc’s.

I’m going to look into it tonight.

Thanks guys, keep them comming :slight_smile:

Nice! Verry clean!

Keep it up!

I’m always a fan of the registration mark effect and I really like the sideways elastic effect, well done! :slight_smile:

whats with the ‘comming’ thing? is that how you guys spell it or something??

i like the concept of the site… it just feels a bit bare at the moment… only things about the design that dont get me going are some of the colour choices…

that salmon pink\pale red doesnt look quite right… i think the popping is very cool, ill be interested to see how you display ure portfolio works.

i dunno, im kinda dissapointed… even tho im new to the forums, i kinda expected somethin a bit more ‘out there’ from you :stuck_out_tongue:

:lol: thanks for the honesty.

Designing is somewhat new to me, mainly a developer :slight_smile:

See I told you D - you should make that stuff max quality. Trying to keep it at a 100kb limits your work.

Go crazy. I’ve seen websites that are 10 mbs :sigh:. If your website is only 100kb - it won’t lag for whatever effect. Trust me. Let’s see a version where its juiced up a lot with cool effects, and we’ll compare it to the current one. Let us be the judge ;).

Great job anyways :thumb:.

I love the simplicity of the design and how it all functions. I was hoping to do a similar layout style for the redisign of my site, so Im partial to that style heh.

As other have said, the backgrounds look somewhat pixilated around the text reading Digitalosophy. From what I can tell Im sure you can fix that by just using a solid background color and just typing in the actual text within that movieclip so it looks cleaner and is created in flash rather than another image.

I also noticed that in Mozilla that the navigational buttons dont show a finger like it does when you hover over the Brain Syndicate button. The arrow just remains an arrow when on the nav links, but goes to the hand on that button.

I would also recomment scaling down the amount of bounce each movie clip has when it slides up or down, it just seems too much change.

Other than that I love to idea and layout of the entire page, very well done!


I did that purposly :slight_smile:

Thanks for the comments

macromedia components… :h:

yeah I like it

it’s a simple design thats not too in your face, I like the elastic motion and I like the navigation. I wouldn’t be afraid to go over 100kb if only to make your images better quality though

good work :thumb:

Uhhh… It didn’t work for me?

It just sits at the “0% Loading” screen forever.

I’m using firefox, maybe that’s it.

nah, i’m also using firefox, and it works perfectly with me…

Using Platform: IE 6.0

Its a really good layout. Pattern bg>white interface>color bg>drop shadow. The images seem to be a bit low quality so raising the quality shouldnt hurt the overal site’s size. The elastic motion gives the website the overall transition. What you can improve later on there David is the menu. The font for the menu is a bit distorted and something better I think can make the menu quite better. Maybe redirecting the text direction back to horizontal and simple rollover menu button bg. The added image of yourself adds to your skills, you could somewhat smile more :stuck_out_tongue: But yeh, atm, keep it that way and here are my suggestions:

  1. intergrating the menu nav into the main info area, possibly above or below.
  2. Add interactions with the audio
  3. Placing the brain syndicate below not aside.

Overall, very nice and add some work as well :wink:

Again, thanks for all comments :slight_smile:

Today I will be messing about with image quality, and Minimal, i’m going to look into what you said about he nav :slight_smile:

edit: love police, yup macromedia components

I already gave you my opinion, i think your site is great, simple, the elastic effect is awesome(i wish i knew how to do that!). :slight_smile:

only problem i don’t like the font!

I’ll show ya how to achieve the effect later :slight_smile: I should be back in an hour or 2, maybe we can get some work done today :wink: