what are the differences/advantages of director over flash… i’ve been looking on the Macromedia website and i can’t seem to find anything that really details exactly what director DOES
anyone know what program(s) are used to create things like tv intro’s and ads? often they seem to have flash-esque elements, and often also use 3d or filter stuff, so i don’t think a normal editing program would really work, especially when dealing with multiple clips and animations and stuff…
Flash is basically vector Director now…I don’t know of much you can’t do with Flash. 8.5’s supposed to be able to make 3d games, but I haven’t played with it much yet, other to make a CD-ROM interactive for a charity as of late. I know the main difference between director files and flash files is their memory management…because flash’s SWF’s have no memory management, they’re smaller, but don’t benefit from a library of cast members (easy to swap them), and some other spiel.
TV intros…Avid, Final Cut Pro (the low man’s Avid), Premiere (normally local jobs, but I know a few people who’ve made some decent stuff with it), After Effects…flash can export film-quality animation, if you know what you’re doing.
3D Studio Max is the bomb, but it practically takes a PhD to create movie effects (and a lack of any social life whatsoever). Just kidding to all you great 3d modelers out there. Please don’t kick me in the head.
for the 2nd question, i was referring to a different style of thing… it’s hard to explain since we would see different shows to you, but i guess something like the news or even a crime show or sumpin - the thing is, it’s not just normal video editing (like premiere does) but it’s also moving a video that’s contained in a box (imagine tweening a rectangle but having a movie in it) and all sorts of other things - there’s an intro to a news service here that uses lots of 3d stuff and so on…
maybe avid is what i need, dunno really
and it sounds to me like director isn’t that special, but for the pricetag you’d hope it would be! i know of a few people who have said it’s really good though
I’ve used director before flash… but after i started using flash i’ve never considered going back
i reckon director and flash arnt that different in what u can do… i’ve seen some pretty mad multimedia presentations made using director… but i think flash has much better resources and stuff and alot more people use it now!
You can do that in premiere or after effects. after effects makes that like cheese to do, just import the extra movie into the bin, resize to spec if necessary, and move it to taste…
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