Discussion on De/Forestation

Just quick, I thought that Rev might want this link:


as quick google search for: “percent of forest in US” brought that up… lol

Sorry rev, I couldn’t resist. :stuck_out_tongue:


I hope that link is what you wanted tho… :slight_smile:

thanks jubba…

I searched for a while, then gave up… musta used the wrong wording…

Philbo told me he could have found that info in 5 min as well…

sometimes even the simplest things elude me…


Yeah, I was reading thru, and I was curious as well… that link kind of popped out at me…

Philbo is the master of searching the internet…

I’m a close second. :slight_smile:

I hope that link contains the info you were lookin for tho. :slight_smile:

<i>from jubba’s link above</i>
Forests of the World - How do we compare?

Forests have been a major feature of planet Earth ever since trees evolved from smaller plants more than 300 million years ago. Today, 29.6 percent of the world’s land area is covered by forest. The area of forest cover has changed over time as climate changed, as ice ages came and went, and more recently as the human population cleared large areas of forest for food production.

During the rise of civilization, 40 percent of the forest cover that existed 5,000 years ago has been converted to farms and cities. Most of this deforestation has occurred during the past 200 years to grow the food for a rapidly rising population. Today, the picture looks something like this:

World’s entire land base covers 13.1 billion hectares (32.8 billion acres)
World’s forests cover 3.9 billion hectares (9.8 billion acres - or 29.6 percent of the land base)
Between 1980 and 1990 there was a net loss of 130 million hectares (325 million acres), or three percent of the world’s total forest land. Between 1990 and 2000, the net loss of forest dropped to 90 million hectares (225 million acres), or 2.3 percent of the total area of forest.

In recent years, forests have been lost more rapidly in Africa and South America than on the other continents. New plantation forests have compensated for a reduction in natural forests in Asia. Forest areas in Europe have increased during the past 20 years. In North America, forest areas remained the same in Canada and increased slightly in the United States. Forest cover has decreased in Mexico and Central America.

The net loss in forest cover in recent decades is a result of high rates of deforestation in the tropical developing countries, mainly due to clearing for agriculture to feed a growing population. <b>There has actually been a net increase in forest cover in the developed countries, including the U. S., during this period. Unfortunately the rate of deforestation in the developing countries is far higher than the rate of reforestation in the developed countries.

This is my point about the trees in Brazil…


phil waht are you talking about??

who said anything about crime and population density?

and believe me you´re dead wrong in that statment:

One of the largest problems phacing Brazil is the unphair ownership of land; It is a nation almost equal in size to America, yet like 57 people own all of the land; Thats an exaggeration but it states the phact that there is certainly not enough land phor basic human settlement, almost unporgivable in a nation your size; A huge inequality of the distribution of natural resources to say the very least, and thats being kind. Corruption in the government of Brazil reigns and will make America look like a Nunnery by comparison.

there is plenty land for ‘basic human settlement’, what lacks is free arable land.
Corruption is a problem tha affect every country, and in Brasil it is not as bad as you think, at least compared to USA.

i had to struggle my self to not erase this thread… and i have only replied coz it was you that had posted phil.

Creat a thread, with my name as a thread starter, and that first post so out of context… that was mean.

you guys are so competitive, you always has to be the nº1…

gpdesigner made a sarcastic comment:

…How many tree’s do you guys have left down there??.. that’s not funny I 'm sorry…

and i replied:

we have a good lot of trees, certainly a lot more than you do… thanks for asking

and that awakened the american winning spirit on you… next time i see i am arguing with rev on wich countrie has more corrupted politicians, more crime, less land for basic human settlement, more trees, yad, yada, yada…

you know what? i don´t really care anymore… i don´t have a problem with ppl talking bad things about my country(as long as it is a true fact)…i´m not sensitive as you are. here let me do it for ya:

Brasil is a countrie with a huge social disparity, the major cities are violent and miserable, Rio de Janeiro is pratically in the hands of the organized crime.
The Amazon forest is being deforested, and exotic species of flaura and fauna are being extinct every day.
The corruption has infested all political ranks in Brazillian government.
Brazil also has a huge external debt to MFI (sp?), an incredibly low minimun wage,…i´ll add more when i remember.

my problem is on how trhis started, and how it has been conducted.

peace… over and out.

this thread was just separated from the other Guigo…

Stop taking this so personally.

We did not “create” a new thread in your name, Kirupa just split it off (he did leave a note), and it wasn’t to spite you.

I am not competitive, but if you start spewing facts about Brazil that I know are false, I will call you on them.

Remember, you compared Brazil’s trees to ours first.

Mellow out dude… there was no harm intended by anyone.


I am not competitive, but if you start spewing facts about Brazil that I know are false, I will call you on them.


Like i said before (maybe you have overlooked) i don´t have any problems with ppl judging my country, they can say all they want to, as long it´s true facts.

What i didn´t liked was how it was started, and conducted…

i was discussing politics with gp, then he said something about Brazillian trees (comparing offcourse, coz if you say a bad thing about someone´s country it is implied that this very thing in your country is better), and i replied in the same level.
then came rev mixing nature and social, and saying that i made a comparisson between USA and Brasil, and that i said Brasil is better… come on! do you really take me as naive as to say that Brasil is better than USA??
Don´t take me wrong, i´m very proud to be a Brazillian, but i know that USA as a country is way better… even with all those things i hate about USA.
If i told you what is my income you would laugh, coz compared to USA standards itis ridiculous, but here i´m considered as almos a rich guy. That is one bad thing about Brasil: Weak economy and social disparity.

Read the thread again and tell me if this is a fair discussion.

only thing that lacked was to call me a liar.

and like i said before, i´ll not get in to a fight with you or rev… and you both know why.

amen at last. jeez.


This thread is all of a sudden oozing with love.

He’s here. He’s said he is still mad at me, but at least he is talking to me again…



oh come on now! i can be mad at you guys ( and i am :bad: ) but i could never stop talking to you :wink:

you know love and hate are close to each other… :stuck_out_tongue:

j/k guys, i was i a tiny bit upseted, but i grew over it :slight_smile:

Cheers buddies =)