My rant

Guigo’s holier than thou attitude toward everyone but Brazil is driving my crazy…

I just had to post a couple of articles about the wonderful life of
Brazilians outside the Cities to prove a point…

And he says that Brazil is ranked highly on the world preservation listings… Ha!

Millions of acres of rainforrest get cut down each year in Brazil, but yet he doesn’t see it…



now he is pouting because he couldn’t respond to my facts…

He is constantly saying how bad US treats the world, yet he doesn’t see the Shanty Towns of starving dirty people just outside his City…


This must happen in Ordered… I am glad I stay out of that section :wink:

I don’t have any problems with guig0 at all, but i’ve never seen this “holier than thou” side of him either.

i don’t have any probs with guigo in general, I just tire of anyone always trashing another without inner inspection…

Brazil is a haven for social attrocities (and harbored any Nazi who could get to South America)… Sao Paulo is one of the most poluted Cities in the World…

But yes, it was ordered… now he backs out (I didn’t raise my voice, or even get angered), when I point out the extreme conditions people live within kilometers of Rio’s resorts…

He would never admit that…


Yeah, rev, I’ve been following that thread for a while - through all of its phase changes from israel/palestine, etc. Yeah, he does have the attitude that you allude to. Strangely enough, he mentioned a while ago that he wants to live in the US as well - confusing isn’t it? :slight_smile:

Too bad he decided to back out from a friendly discussion. I really do want to hear his responses to some of the facts you provided.

Kirupa :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m PM’ing him to try to get him to gather some info, and stop taking this so personally.

I think he will respond to the thread…

I hope…


He’s back…

sort of…


He is now sulking in a corner…

He’s not a happy camper right now…

He feels “picked on” … poor baby…

Now let’s see him continue his holier than thou attitude toward the world…
