Third World Countries

I was watching TV and another one of those stupid ‘save the children’ ads came on, so I was sitting there, trying not to fall asleep.

And then it said
“Between 10,000 and 15,000 children die every day due to water related disease.”

…That’s the hell of a lot of children. Not that I care, of course, since I’m impartial to network T.V. trying to make a profit off of dying things.

But honestly, if you put that dead center, at 15k per day, then roughly 5,475,000 children die every year from this in the developing world.

That’s more people than most cities. Like, 99.999% of all cities.

Which leads me to believe, that this is bull****.

How in bloody hell can people have 5,475,000 babies every year to replace the one’s they’re already letting die THAT year? it’s impossible. To generate that many babies in a year, we’ll assume that the first wave of babies come from mothers already in labour, and that’ll account for half. 2,737,500 babies right off the bat. That makes 5,475,000 mothers and fathers, who’re already getting ready for more babies. when the second half come, ninme months later, that leaves the new babies only 3 months to die. They have a schedule to keep up, damnit!

Anyways, this is bull-****. There’s no way in hell this is for real. The children race should die off soon enough, how long can this last?

First, there are probably a billion people in third world countries, so 5 million doesn’t seem like that big of a number compared to a billion. It also depends on the definition of children. If children is anybody under 18, then in third world countries where there are no schools or jobs, people probably start having children at like 14 or 15 or maybe even earlier. So if someone dies after having 1 or 2 children, then the population is still growing.

ditto Phill.

First off - do the math … (rough/rounded)

6million [dead kids] == .1% (1/10th of 1%) of 6billion [approx. world population]

…Not a large figure by any stretch…many more could die from other causes and still not be a speck compared to the total pop.

“…Currently, world population grows by a little over 79 million per year, roughly comparable to the population of Germany, the Philippines, or Vietnam. …”
(this is not ‘birth-rates’ but ‘net’ increase in poulation, deaths allready accounted for of course)
>>>Snaged from this link, clicky for more<<<

  • yet to be googled for support section -
    Just a few little points to consider ::
  1. EvileRulers are definately a major cause of the horrific conditions in the third world - but I doubt that they are the only reason. I believe that there would be a major difference in these areas if the rulers were all benevolent souls … but not totally cured of their poverty.
    There are portions where opression is not the case and still the infrastructure of their economies are pathetic.
  2. Water bourne diseases is a wide category - many things go wrong when your water and sanitation systems are crap.
  3. The mechanics of economics are complex and unfair to those that don’t ‘have’…allways was so, allways will be. Short of Utopia on earth, where everyone gets an equal cut - some will allways go without… to one degree or another.

Just Thinkin’

Soooo competative, aren’t we - easy Tiger - :!:
Most of what I said was aimed more at the ‘topic’ in general and the logical extension of that - their poverty in general - as paramount in a high death rate.

Part Oneof my, if you will, was simply info on the relative numbers for those (before you) who found/find that many deaths to be unusual and therefore unbelievable.

Part Two
There is no ‘challenge’ or ‘game’ to what I said because
I never said you were wrong (as a matter of fact I partially agreed with you) … I was just pointing out that there are a lot more things to consider.

Sure, you could come up with numbers to prove that money is squandered that could otherwise be better spent towards a decent water supply but that in itself does not absolutely prove that all their problems would go away.

What ?.. turn on the taps and there are no more swamps, sewage (water bourne diseases within) problems.
Building an infrastructure that operates well is more than just getting water to the masses… quite likely more costly than the military machines that are getting the money instead.

I was shooting towards the notion that the overall economic situations in these countries are hinderences as well as the greed of the rulers towards them overcoming their high death rates, That even if they spent all that $ on clean water - many would not be out of the predicament entirely - or at all.
there is a lot more that ails the third world than shifty leaders.

Cheers :stuck_out_tongue:

Reland[size=4]R[/size] … =)

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**Reland- Completely agreed. Far more. Like just basic greed or selfsihness. Period.

If there was no such thing as self and pleasing one self, there would cease to be any problems—

would we agree on that, perhaps a s a happy medium?

pj :stuck_out_tongue: **

If you mean that if it extends downward from the leaders to every man - woman - and child…

…Then yes, pretty much nothing but the elements and the laws of physics would nip at our existence(s)…

:goatee:Utopia would render much to null…so I’ve read and dreamed:moustache


Signed:: RelandR - with two “R’s”…
that would be one at the end …
in addition to the one at the front…
pretty much like this::

I really don’t want to take the dirty waters of Africa and the rest of the third world into the religious arena…but,

…I will grant you this: If the world adopted a more equal/fair ‘system’…there would be far fewer problems…but,

If you truely believe that God fixes all - then you should believe that he does so Not in this World,
as the flesh and all we know and see from within it will disappear -
and only the soul - which could be said lives temporarily within the heart -
goes home.

In the mean time…we just do the best we can with what we’ve got - the nature of man is what it is -

Take many deep breaths, have some Peace…
…and please go to bed…

I’d like to put my two cents worth as well on this subject. I live in Romania which is not a third world country - more like second. There are no major problems here in terms of mass death etc but there is a major poverty issue. I agree with Phil in terms of greed and selfishness but there is also another issue here. Preparation - a lot of the people in power in these countries are not prepared to run a country (as in the know - how). If u consider it running a country is the same thing as managing a company or a department in a company but on a bigger scale and the people in power are not equipped to handle something like this. In reference to what Phil said about the choppers from Russia this is basically bad finance management (unless of course somebody got a share of the deal personally).

True, corruption is a huge issue but if u think about it there is corruption everywhere as it is in a human’s nature to forge a better life for oneself. The difference is in degrees of corruption. In the “civilized world” corruption is better hidden and also corruption does not take precedence over the people’s well being whereas in a country like Romania, until recently anyways, corruption was out in the open - it is getting much better now due to Romania joining NATO etc. So what can u expect from a country like Uganda or Zimbabwe when Romania (which is in Europe) until recently had major corruption problems.


Question: Do you ever get any sleep? :sleep:

So - if we were to put in a mathematical format I’d say it would go along the following lines:

We’d have six variables (well actually it would be a whole lot more but to keep it as simple as possible :wink: ) : x, x1, y, y1 , z, z1 where

x = corrupt
x1= not corrupt
y = competant
y1 = incompetant
z = benevolant
z1 = malevolant

Now you make different combinations and you get a scale from an excellent ruler to a complete disaster. I mean take the following combo:

x + y + z - now you would say that this is not a good government/ ruler at first sight due to corruption but think about it - it’s a government / ruler that is good to it’s people and manages the country well but takes a little for itself - after all there is no such thing as perfection and the above is about as close as you’ll get :sigh: .
Of course then there is x+y1+z1 in which case you might as well blow up the government / ruler :rambo: :bad: :bandit:


Tim, for the sake of saving us from Phil’s politcal rantings, you don’t start threads that have to do anything with third world countires.

But, with only reading the first post, it doesn’t seem like a lot of childern per say, because it’s more then should be dying, when you look at how many people are in this world.

Phil… :love: How have you been?