Disgusting people

so i was in the store today and saw someone scratch and sniff their netherregions…

in the store

in the STORE

has the class of society depreciated enough that it has become socially acceptable to do this???

what other gross stuff do people do? hehe. i need some giggles tonight…

well, according to a female friend of mine, she said when she lived in china, she got scarred for life when she spotted a guy polishing his pole on the floor of a grocery store.


ya, not exactly funny though is it.

scratch n’ sniff, :sure: when I was five I had a friend that had that hobby

How about the ‘one fingered - napkinless - nose blow’

[size=1]…often with one foot slightly elevated, body arched in a “I’m aimin’ fer sumpin’” posture…[/size]

if ever I’d be inclined to have a “ewwww” moment … that my friends would do it

hey, thats pretty bad reland, but sometimes when one is camping or hiking or soemthing and has no tissues, a snot rocket is in accordance…
as long as youre with your lifelong buddies who wont think less of you in the morning… lol

I had a friend who was remarkable at haukin lugies. He would get a big bag of skittles at lunch and chomp on them until his spit was nice and sticky. Then he would launch his mixture 25+ft. into the air and stick them onto the ceiling outside the gym where a lot of people hung out. Then some poor unsuspecting person would walk under it and well you know the rest…

One day he got mad at another kid and launch a rocket about 40+ft. and at the last second the kid jumped out of the way and it landed smack dab on a teacher. It was one of the funniest things in my life.


My monkeys do stuff in public…

Have you ever seen “Poo Diper” from Jackass ? ;):stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by TheOrangeOne *
**My monkeys do stuff in public… **

told you…

haha, weirdo :slight_smile:

heh, i know. Whats worse is that is actually in a shop in birmingham! (Muji, in case anyone is interested) Had all the staff looking at me and my friends really nervously. So fun! I love worrying people… :crazy: