
ok, dont get mad at me for spammin, cuz im desparately bored, and this is something that happened to me today, and it made me laugh, so i am hoping maybe it will make one of you laugh too. :beam:

so im at school, and i am outside walking from one building to the other, and i am all grumbly cuz its cold and rainy and i didn’t sleep last night. and this dude, walks past me, and he is like all buisnesslike, and just after he crosses my path, he clears his throat in a real fake way and rips a big fart. like he was trying to cover it up. but i fooled him, i heard it anyway. hehe. anyway, it just got me thinkin, about how funny it is when ppl try to cover up body sounds with coughs or stuff. sorry if this is a gross thread.

hahahhahahhha, did you laugh in his face?

hahaha! omgosh@i can smell it here all of a sudden~! thats sooo funny htough!

haha, i would of started coughing and then fell and acted like i passed out. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d stuffed a cork up his wazoo…

haha, yeah, i burst out laughing. he musta been soo red… lol

*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**I’d stuffed a cork up his wazoo… **

wazoo, heh, what a great word

and yes i woulda ‘passed out’ too!

hehe, well, i was outside, so i couldnt smell anything, i think i was upwind… lol

Man when I fart in public I go the whole hog.
Slight bend in one leg as I shift my weight, I screw up my face and let rip.

I had some Jamaican Gumbo last night and I have to admit I STINK! I think I may have to go down the supermarket and clear some isles with my fragrant smell :smiley:

ugh. i cant believe i actually came back to this thread while i’m eating. where’s my common sense?? lol