I’m usually in front of a PC and was just curious.
ok, Mac users, time to tell the truth :bad:
Do web/graphic design pros use Macs? Some do, some don’t… really… :bad:
Mac is Wack
tryin rhymin againin?
Those serious about it have both.
only the rich ones
I’ve always heard that Macs are better for graphix. Dunno why though… :h: Most publishing companies also use Macs.
Most places theses days have both it really depends on what your doing and which programs your are going to use ie macs cant use a coldfusion server and do some other stuff internet related and whatnot, some other things are buggy and slow on macs like flash it runs slower on macs dont know why but MX ran slow on it and so did the player not sure if they fixed this on the new 2004 which i doubt since its buggy as hell but honestly its good to know both because you never know where or what your going to end up doing and using
But i gotta say i :love: my PC :thumb:
i’ve always heard as a general rule that 2D graphics are better on mac, and 3D is better on PC
I’m not touching this one with a ten foot clown pole.
PS: Grimdeath your footer is really scary
unfortunately these kind of questions usually end up in an un-intelligent clusterPhock of a conversation dominated by 12 year old style name calling directed at each platform :sure:
Here is about the best unbiased statement I’ve ever read (esp. the first post)::
From over at Deviant Art Forums
There are some of the usual ‘crap posts’ in the mix but some really good points as well…
(note:the threading there is that annoying style that throws the chronology off in places but if you pay attention to the post dates and times you can keep fair track)
I guess some designers are too much into design.
if there would be a 486 in a very stylish case, i’d bet some designers would buy one
that post is crap (DA)…It is completely up to the artist. I do everything on a pc and CYMK, Pantone, PAL, NTS…the list goes on, those are standards. If a person screws up on a pc they will screw up on a mac. The whole war thing is pathetic. I prefer pc but there is nothing wrong with MAC. I chose pc since alot of software designers do not have a mac compatible version.
*Originally posted by senocular *
**Those serious about it have both. **
I guess I’m not serious about this designing crap…blah who cares…
Seriously though, the only time I used a Mac was when I use to work in print and the only advantage a Mac has over a PC is more work space, but then again a PC with dual monitors pretty stopped me from getting a Mac.
My 2 cents.
I am with e-geek once again. There is nothing you cant do on a pc that you cant do on a mac and vice versa.
*Originally posted by DDD *
**I am with e-geek once again. There is nothing you cant do on a pc that you cant do on a mac and vice versa. **
I think you meant theres nothing you cant do on a pc that you can do on a mac right??
yeah you know what I mean
*Originally posted by DDD *
**yeah you know what I mean **
just making sure you know :beam: