Do your worst!

Just finished my site at:

Let me know what you think!


sites pretty kool…i like it… luv the selection of tracks you got in ur music player there :wink: … especially since i’m jamaican :wink: …although the music wasnt playing for me???

O boy this is going be fun ripping into you. :lol:

Just kidding. I think it looks alright. I like the different skins you have there. Was it just me or was everything really slow. Those alpha fades over the text can really kill the mood.

Also, why can’t I view the entire page without scrolling? There’s enough room there?

great site, nice work-in-progress on the Purple Buddahs too… only a few small things… having to mouse over to read the different sections was a bit slow and then not being able to simply click <as opposed to going over to the “more” button> added to the difficulty in navigating. also some weird things happened to me with the scrolling in the mp3 player <volume and drop-down>, it was jerky and caused the mouse pointer to change to an error icon <like a do-not-enter>. I’m running firefox so that may be causing it… maybe if the player was a floater you could cut the sizing down and eliminate the browser scroll too… oh if popped out into it’s own window that’d be great too… though it probably would add a load on your server if people used it like another inet radio station… :slight_smile: sweet all in all… I’d hire yah!

i agree with canadianguy…

What do you guys mean you can’t view the whole page without scrolling? You shouldn’t have to scroll . . the max size of the page is like 675px - can you post a screen shot or something? Also what browser were you using to look at the? Thanks!


firefox, resolution 1024x768

There’s a big space at the top

Gotcha - that space is for the mp3 player to expand into (to select new tracks, load different artists, and view info on the current show). I made it so that clicking anywhere on a news item will bring you to that section, and removed the alpha tween on the bitmaps on the news items. Seems to be running faster for me on my mac, but no change on my PC (was fast to begin with). Thanks for the feedback!


Alright, I don’t know if anyone is looking at this anymore, but I completly changed the way the animations were working and I want to see if it’s working faster for anyone. I even put the alpha tween back into the bitmaps, so we’ll see what happens. Also there’s some new functionality on the ole’ jukebox (hit the expand button). Thanks for the feedback guys / gals!


still a little scroll, like maybe 10 pix with firefox @ 1024x768