Dont Look!

<:} Hello everyone! and Merry Christmas to all of you .
I would like to have your comment on my website so I can improve withthe time.
Thank you.
Go on dont be shy

I waited for a while, but nothing loaded except the counter with the chick? Do you have a pre loader? and how big is the site?



…I can see it now. It took forever to load (and I have a great conection speed).

First coment: USE PRELOADERS! :stuck_out_tongue:

You can learn about them here in the tutorials section, it´s very easy and soooo important.


Yeah, you do need preloaders. I am on a cable modem and that site still took a few minutes to load.

Other than preloaders… your buttons didn’t seem to work at first.

I had to hold my mouse over each of the buttons for about a minute before any content actually showed up in the content area.

Your file sizes are way too big for not that much detail and graphics. What else are you loading in there?

Sorry about that here my installation I have win xp pro on an old Celeron 500 mghz with Apache webserver on a DSL line. Mean while I am working on this machine it’s realy hard for me to have the site loading the way I want. I dont realy like preloader and the site is not that heavy the main swf is 772kb it loads fine here??? all of my images have been properly reduce in file size to maximize the speed of loading now I think the only solution would be to have an OC3 dedicated line with a Dedicated Server with a respectable monthly fee. :stuck_out_tongue:

700k is huge for 1 download…

I try to keep my donwloads to 120k…

Someone on dial-up is going to take almost 20 min to download the main swf? I doubt that… and dial-up is the majority of people world-wide and USA…

I would work on breaking it up into parts…


Yeah, I agree.

And preloaders are sort of a required item in Flash. For professionality you should use a preloader on everything you do in Flash… even if the file is 15K or something.

Man nobody is going to wait for a 800k site to load. I’m on a T1 line at work and it still took for ever. Break the site up and load things separtely.