Doom 3 help

Has anyone played Doom 3? It looks awesome, so I bought it when it came out. But I’m having trouble with it. When I load it I click play, the game loads, but then after it loads the screen turns white, and shows up as blue boxes and a white background. I thought the problem was that I didn’t have enough ram so I bought more. It’s installed but the game still doesn’t work I’m having the same problem, I think it’s the video card now. Does anyone know how to find out what video card is on the computer? And what type of video card is the best? Thanks.

Goto Run, type in dxdiag. Save the info and post it here.

Doom 3 is OpenGL based, not DirectX based :wink:

Do other games work?

I did what you said, but you want me to post it all here? And yes other games work, like Starcraft and Diablo, and games like that. I thought it was DirectX based because when I installed Doom 3 it said i had to install DirectX9.0.

Do you happen to have a Dell?

Yeah I have a Dell.

So what brand of card did dxdiag say you have?

Here’s the D3 requirements if that helps.


Please note that Doom 3 does not support Microsoft(r) Windows(r)
95/98/ME/NT. However, installation is allowed in case of operating
system upgrades, or dual booting configurations.

  1. Minimum System Requirements:
  • English version of Microsoft(r) Windows(r) 2000/XP
  • Pentium(r) 4 1.5 GHz or Athlon™ XP 1500+ processor
    · 384MB RAM
    · 8x Speed CD-ROM drive (1200KB/sec sustained transfer rate) and
    latest drivers
  • 2.2GB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 400MB for
    Windows(r) swap file)
  • 100% DirectX(r) 9.0b compatible 16-bit sound card and latest
  • 100% Windows(r) 2000/XP compatible mouse, keyboard and latest
  • DirectX(r) 9.0b (included)
    · 3D hardware Accelerator Card Required - 100% DirectX(r) 9.0b
    compatible 64MB Hardware Accelerated video card and the latest drivers.
    o ATI(r) Radeon 8500
    o ATI(r) Radeon 9000
    o ATI(r) Radeon 9200
    o ATI(r) Radeon 9500
    o ATI(r) Radeon 9600
    o ATI(r) Radeon 9700
    o ATI(r) Radeon 9800
    o All Nvidia(r) GeForce 3/Ti series
    o All Nvidia(r) GeForce 4MX series
    o All Nvidia(r) GeForce 4/Ti series
    o All Nvidia(r) GeForce FX series
    o Nvidia(r) GeForce 6800 series

Many Dell computer models have been having problems on not getting Doom III to work. Contact Dell.

I asked you for the DXDiag file so instead of you telling us all your specs, it’s a much more simple rundown.

My friend told me the problem is probably my Accelerator Card.

Maxtr0sity, I’m not sure what you want me to post. Everything DxDiag gave me? Or just a few lines? What? Sorry, I’m not very good with computers.

Everything wouldn’t hurt.