Doubt with Instances

[font=Arial]Hi there, maybe this is easy and I’m stupid, but let me try to explain:

I’ve a main movie, for example, this movie has 3 buttons, in each button there’s a MovieClip in the Over area, for example button1 contains a MovieClip with some animation, this clip has an Instance name clip1_mc, ok, untill this, everything it’s ok, the effect it’s easy to achieve, when I rollover my mouse over that button, the clip called clip1_mc starts to play, piece of cake, the problem is this, what happens if I call an extrenal .SWF, this .SWF contains a simple button, when I rollover this button I want to play my clip inside in my button in my main Movie, I cannot do this, I was trying with something like this:

on (rollOver) {;

but this is not working, I’m doing something wrong, but I can’t see what is, any help?, any idea?

thanks [/font]