Dreamweaver is tickling my angry bone

look: here

my splash page…

IF you experience the same as me, look at the very bottom of the page, the grey image does not reach the bottom completely…

try refreshing the page… the whole thing shifts 1 or 2 pixels to the right, and the alignment is 100% again, as it should be…

On my gf’s com, everything looks good right from the start… so, why is this happening to me??

I tried deleting all my temp files, but to no avail :frowning:

wut the friggin shizznella is going on???

<body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" background="backup/background_site.jpg">
  1. You define no bottommargin or rightmargin width. I know DW doesn’t do that, which I find weird, but you should add that manually.

  2. Why use a background image of a solid color when you can just input the color code manually?

i don’t see it moving anywhere. looks good to me.

except, your text is very very hard to read. is that just for show or what?

And I realized something else…

<td><img src="backup/main_stretch.jpg" width="300" height="100%"></td>

Try defining that image as a background image of the td tag so that it gets repeated, then increase the height of the td cell so it reaches the bottom smoothly.

Inside the cell add a


It is a space in HTML, and it tells the browser that there is something in there.

hard to read??

I used a special flash font… :frowning: I was completely unreadable before…

lost: then why does it align correctly when I refresh? and I know about nbsp :sure: hehe… I HAVE been working with html for a year or so now…

and then background image is because on my gf’s com, the background isn’t the color I’ve chosen… the color is not in the basic webcolor palette…

I love the font :slight_smile:

And I dunno man. It never fully reaches the exact edge for me at either the top or the bottom. There is a few px gap between the edges.


hm… I’ll try redoing it then… maybe do that background on the cells instead…


40 seconds of fiddling and it worked!! :beam:

now I’m happy again =)

[SIZE=1](psst, lost… thx! used a style class instead, worked like a charm :wink: )[/SIZE]

Congrats man :slight_smile: Works great on my end as well.

Just a side note: You should disable the zooming in ability, it throws off the layout if you do that.

hm, didn’t even think about that one…

will do!


Sweet :slight_smile:

Now that the problem is solved I am moving this to server-side/scripting where it belongs :bad:



LOL. It’s fine, I can never be mad at you Eilsoe :goatee:

Stylesheets fix everything.

renn: YES!!

lost: That’s because I’m so darn nice :blush:

I fell in love with CSS the day I started learning it.

It makes EVERYTHING so much easier!

And yes you are Eilsoe :slight_smile:


really cool =)

reminds me of a wrist watch :stuck_out_tongue: