I’ve done my fair share of drugs (some may say extream amounts, and I wouldnt dispute), and I’ve known addicts and the crime and death that can accompany such drug use and drug selling. I never had a problem, I just toned it down as I got older.
I’m wondering if US people here agree with this: I think ALL drugs should be legal and govt regulated (and taxed). The drug trade kills people, bad drugs (not pure or too pure) kill people and no matter what anyone does PEOPLE WILL GET AND DO DRUGS, period. For thatreason I think the trade should be controlled and reg’ed, just like the US drug of choice: ALCOHOL.
Trying to stay away from too ordered here… I am wondering what some US residents w/experience with drugs (either use or the effects of use) think about this.
Im not looking for a discussion, just a general y/n … ?